Published Sep 24, 2006
1 Post
I am a student of excelsior college doing the RN program and lacking concept 3. I want to have an idea of the materials in the CPNE exam. Also, wanting to know if I can locate a study buddy for the concept 3.
Also, I have heard some horrible news about the CPNE exam at some clinical sites like the one in PLANO, TEXAS. Does the workshop help and which clinical site do you recommend in order for me to pass the very first time. I was told Plano makes it hard for you and fail. I was also told that in Georgia and Ohio, they are more considerate and that the chances of passing the clinical there are better. Please advice me on this.
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Good question! I used to hear terrible things about the Plano site, but I've known several people who had great experiences there over the last couple of years. Mine was in Amarillo, TX and they were great for the most part.
I think people make a bigger deal about choosing a site than is really necessary. Your examiner could be having a bad day regardless of which site you choose.
Bottom line: Focus more on knowing your ciritcal elements and less on strategically choosing a site.
Moved to Distance Learning/Independent Study Forum for more specific responses.
171 Posts
I did Plano because it was the closest one to me.
I heard horror stories about it, but then I heard Excelsior had told Plano to tone it down because of all the horror stories. When I went I had no issues whatsoever.
If Plano is close to you, go for it.
15 Posts
Are you ONLY missing NC 3? did you just skip it for some reason? just currious. I just started NC 1 and I just don't know the routine yet. Also, how do I find a sight for the CPNE?
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
I graduated from Excelsior in 2001. I credit my survival on this group: Check them out. Good Luck.
P.S. If you want more info on CPNE...PM me. I'd be glad to help.
208 Posts
Do you pay for the CPNE out of your pocket or do your loans/grants cover it?
596 Posts
heh. i'm tickled to death with what excelsior did for me. yes, the cpne is tough... but passing it changed my life immensely. i just took a job for 30 bucks an hour with overtime available at 45 an hour. not bad for a distance learning program completed in less than a year! and now that i'm at work, there is no question at all of my being educated through excelsior college. the job i'm leaving is begging me to stay, and the job where i'm going hired me on the spot.
it is more a matter of preparation than anything else. with the labs, there is no excuse since you know exactly what to expect. if you blow the labs, it's your own fault.
on the pcs's, yep... it is tough. you've got to know your critical elements to the nth degree. and those who do will pass. i'd say you absolutely must practice mock pcs's. fly out to a workshop if you need to. it will be well worth it to get through the cpne!!!
you can't over prepare. there is no such thing. know those critical elements, practice, practice, practice.
Did you pay for the CPNE out of pocket? If so, how much? Is it a different price dependant on what state you take it in?
i think it's around 1650 at this time. i charged it on a credit card that i just paid off with my $3600 take home pay for two hard weeks of work. i'm also pointing out that i'm nothing special... just a hard worker. there is infinite opportunity in this business once you graduate. anyone can do what i'm doing now.
it's the same no matter where you take it.