Example Nursing Care Plan?


Does anyone have an example of a care plan for a pt with Carbuncle?

carbuncle? is that a barnacle stuck to your car? i'm intrigued and of no help at all.


carbuncle? is that a barnacle stuck to your car? i'm intrigued and of no help at all.


close but no cigar dan :lol2:

a carbuncle is an abscess larger than a boil, usually with one or more openings draining pus onto the skin. it is usually caused by bacterial infection.

most carbuncles are caused by the bacteria staphylococcus aureus. the infection is contagious and may spread to other areas of the body or other people.

a carbuncle is made up of several skin boils. the infected mass is filled with fluid, pus, and dead tissue. fluid may drain out of the carbuncle, but sometimes the mass is so deep that it cannot drain on its own. carbuncles may develop anywhere, but they are most common on the back and the nape of the neck. men get carbuncles more often than women. because the condition is contagious, family members may develop carbuncles at the same time. often, the direct cause of a carbuncle cannot be determined. things that make carbuncle infections more likely include friction from clothing or shaving, generally poor hygiene and weakening of immunity. for example, persons with diabetes and immune system diseases are more likely to develop staphylococcal infections.

the carbuncle may be the size of a pea or as large as a golf ball. it may be red and irritated and might hurt when you touch it. it may also grow very fast and have a white or yellow center. it may crust or spread to other skin areas. sometimes, other symptoms may occur. these may include fatigue, fever and general discomfort or sick feeling. sometimes an itching occurs before the carbuncle develops.

Does anyone have an example of a care plan for a pt with Carbuncle?

How about these Nursing Dx's to start off with and build upon with goals and interventions:

Disturbed body image (I imagine these are very unsightly and could cause a person to have a disturbed body image)

Impaired skin integrity (r/t openings in the skin)

Infection (from the bacteria that caused the carbuncle)

Pain (acute)

Ineffective protection (r/t the impaired skin integrity and infection)

Specializes in LTC, Nursing Management, WCC.
How about these Nursing Dx's to start off with and build upon with goals and interventions:

Disturbed body image (I imagine these are very unsightly and could cause a person to have a disturbed body image)

Impaired skin integrity (r/t openings in the skin)

Infection (from the bacteria that caused the carbuncle)

Pain (acute)

Ineffective protection (r/t the impaired skin integrity and infection)

I have never heard of Ineffective protection or Infection, are these new ones from NANDA?

i have never heard of ineffective protection or infection, are these new ones from nanda?

mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions 7th edition (2006) has it listed as approved nanda for both.

however, i, mistakenly left out risk for with the infection.

the ineffective protection is described as decrease in the ability to guard the self from internal or external threats, such as illness or injury

here is a list of 2003-2004 nanda approved diagnoses:


activity intolerance

activity intolerance, risk for

adaptive capacity: intracranial, decreased

adjustment, impaired

airway clearance, ineffective


anxiety, death

aspiration, risk for

attachment, parent/infant/child, risk for impaired

body image, disturbed

body temperature: imbalanced, risk for

bowel incontinence

breastfeeding, effective

breastfeeding, ineffective

breastfeeding, interrupted

breathing pattern, ineffective

cardiac output, decreased

caregiver role strain

caregiver role strain, risk for

communication, readiness for enhanced

communication: verbal, impaired

confusion, acute

confusion, chronic


constipation, perceived

constipation, risk for

coping: community, ineffective

coping: community, readiness for enhanced

coping, defensive

coping: family, compromised

coping: family, disabled

coping: family, readiness for enhanced

coping (individual), readiness for enhanced

coping, ineffective

decisional conflict (specify)

denial, ineffective

dentition, impaired

development: delayed, risk for


disuse syndrome, risk for

diversional activity, deficient

dysreflexia, autonomic

dysreflexia, autonomic, risk for

energy field, disturbed

environmental interpretation syndrome, impaired

failure to thrive, adult

falls, risk for

family processes, dysfunctional: alcoholism

family processes, interrupted

family processes, readiness for enhanced



fluid balance, readiness for enhanced

fluid volume, deficient

fluid volume, deficient, risk for

fluid volume, excess

fluid volume, imbalanced, risk for

gas exchange, impaired

grieving, anticipatory

grieving, dysfunctional

growth, disproportionate, risk for

growth and development, delayed

health maintenance, ineffective

health-seeking behaviors (specify)

home maintenance, impaired




identity: personal, disturbed

infant behavior, disorganized

infant behavior: disorganized, risk for

infant behavior: organized, readiness for


infant feeding pattern, ineffective

infection, risk for

injury, risk for

knowledge, deficient (specify)

knowledge (specify), readiness for enhanced

latex allergy response

latex allergy response, risk for

loneliness, risk for

memory, impaired

mobility: bed, impaired

mobility: physical, impaired

mobility: wheelchair, impaired


neurovascular dysfunction: peripheral, risk for

noncompliance (specify)

nutrition, imbalanced: less than body


nutrition, imbalanced: more than body


nutrition, imbalanced: more than body

requirements, risk for

nutrition, readiness for enhanced

oral mucous membrane, impaired

pain, acute

pain, chronic

parenting, impaired

parenting, readiness for enhanced

parenting, risk for impaired

perioperative positioning injury, risk for

poisoning, risk for

posttrauma syndrome

posttrauma syndrome, risk for


powerlessness, risk for

protection, ineffective

rape-trauma syndrome

rape-trauma syndrome: compound reaction

rape-trauma syndrome: silent reaction

relocation stress syndrome

relocation stress syndrome, risk for

role conflict, parental

role performance, ineffective

self-care deficit: bathing/hygiene

self-care deficit: dressing/grooming

self-care deficit: feeding

self-care deficit: toileting

self-concept, readiness for enhanced

self-esteem, chronic low

self-esteem, situational low

self-esteem, risk for situational low


self-mutilation, risk for

sensory perception, disturbed (specify: visual,

auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, tactile,


sexual dysfunction

sexuality patterns, ineffective

skin integrity, impaired

skin integrity, risk for impaired

sleep deprivation

sleep pattern disturbed

sleep, readiness for enhanced

social interaction, impaired

social isolation

sorrow, chronic

spiritual distress

spiritual distress, risk for

spiritual well-being, readiness for enhanced

spontaneous ventilation, impaired

sudden infant death syndrome, risk for

suffocation, risk for

suicide, risk for

surgical recovery, delayed

swallowing, impaired

therapeutic regimen management: community,


therapeutic regimen management, effective

therapeutic regimen management: family,


therapeutic regimen management, ineffective

therapeutic regimen management, readiness for


thermoregulation, ineffective

thought processes, disturbed

tissue integrity, impaired

tissue perfusion, ineffective (specify: renal,

cerebral, cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal,


transfer ability, impaired

trauma, risk for

unilateral neglect

urinary elimination, impaired

urinary elimination, readiness for enhanced

urinary incontinence, functional

urinary incontinence, reflex

urinary incontinence, stress

urinary incontinence, total

urinary incontinence, urge

urinary incontinence, risk for urge

urinary retention

ventilatory weaning response, dysfunctional

violence: other-directed, risk for

violence: self-directed, risk for

walking, impaired



source. nanda nursing diagnoses: definitions

and classification, 2003-2004. [color=#231f20]philadelphia:

north american nursing diagnosis association.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.
does anyone have an example of a care plan for a pt with carbuncle?

it is not likely that you are going to find one. you are going to have to write your own care plan for this. is this your first care plan? a care plan is nothing more than writing down your problem solving process. in order to do that you follow the steps of the nursing process which are:

  1. assessment (collect data from the medical record and by doing a physical assessment of the patient)
  2. nursing diagnosis (separate out the abnormal assessment data and match it with likely nursing diagnoses, decide on the nursing diagnosis to use)
  3. planning (write measurable goals/outcomes and nursing interventions based upon the patient's signs and symptoms)
  4. implementation (initiate the care plan)
  5. evaluation (determine if goals/outcomes have been met)

your assessment of the patient and the signs and symptoms that you find during your assessment form the foundation of the care plan. ct pixie gave you some good information about a carbuncle, but you should also look up the information yourself. you will find plenty of weblinks in which to do this if you cannot find any information in your textbooks at home in the weblinks listed on post #1 on this sticky thread along with the common medical treatments:

list out any of the signs and symptoms your patient had, especially if you discover you missed any after you've looked at some references. this is how you will learn about this condition. those signs and symptoms then become the defining characteristics that form the basis of any nursing diagnoses that you end up using, as well as the basis of any goals and nursing interventions. just saying that a patient has a carbuncle is not enough information to pick a nursing diagnosis.

a nursing diagnosis is nothing more than a label that you attach to a problem that you discover the patient has. a diagnosis is the resulting decision or opinion you make after your perform an examination or investigation of the facts. doctors do the same thing. you cannot put a nursing diagnosis on anyone's nursing problems until you have done this assessment and determined the facts (signs and symptoms that they have).

you can find more information on writing a care plan on these two sticky threads on allnurses:

if you still need help after doing all that, post a list of your patient's signs and symptoms and ask and i will help you.

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