Ever Been Fired or Kicked Out of Surgeon's Room


Just curious and wanted to know if anyone has been fired or kicked out of a surgeon's room. Temporarily or permanently? Did they confront you face to face and tell/yell at you? Or did they go behind your back and do it? Would like to hear your experiences and how you dealt with it. Thanks for sharing.

Specializes in Operating Room.

The getting kicked out of a room has happened to some of the best OR nurses I know. Sometimes, if a circulator is advocating for the patient, a doc can get offended(especially the insecure ones). Sometimes it is a personality conflict. At any rate, deal with it face on, IMO. Have a conversation with the doc in question-and if you need to have your mentor, preceptor, NM etc with you then do that.

Rarely have I seen the banishment extend for a long time. Most places are so short staffed that they can't afford to cater to the whims of a cranky surgeon! :trout:Sometimes, it is the nurses fault, meaning that he/she was acting inappropriately. No matter whose fault it is-deal with it before it gets out of hand and if this nurse has been wronged, document, and talk to your union rep, if that applies(talk to your supervisor as a first line of defense though). If that doesn't work, THEN take it up the chain. PS. The brave ones tell you to your face(docs). The cowards act like everything is fine, and then whine to your NM.

yes, in fact i have been thrown out of a surgeon's room.

it was for a vascular surgeon. he was use to an rnfa assisting him. (i am a cst going to school for asn). he looked at me and then looked at her (circulating) and said to me, i don’t know what is going on but, you are not going to scrub this case. i informed him that i could not circulate that it must be an rn and that he had to take me. he said, “we’ll see.” a little latter, the charge nurse came in and circulated so the rnfa could assist. i asked if he wanted me to stay scrubbed in so i could learn in detail what he wanted and his response was, “break scrub now, i dont need you”. i went and had coffee. a break, i'll take that!!!!!!!i simply asked that i not be placed back in his room for a few months until i had time to cool off.

the next case we worked on, i started the case by asking if i should immediately break scrub and force his case to cancel or was i good enough this time since the rnfa was on vacation. we have never had any problems since (that i am aware of).

i do think i can be somewhat smart back at them without much recourse being because i am a male. it just works that way here. i had a back bitter surgeon that i confronted in the locker room about another issue. he has been the best surgeon to work with since. no more back biting. if he has a problem, he will address it to me in real time. once again i think it is because i am a male and will confront back (i tightened the screw to the gamma nail too tight and he couldn't release it).

i hope this helps you in knowing you aren’t the only one with this problem.

saying i am a male and may get away with more for verbal conflict with docs in no way is intended to suggest that females do not get by with it. it does help here to be a male if you are going to be confrontational with the docs (sorry).

Specializes in Operating Room.
saying i am a male and may get away with more for verbal conflict with docs in no way is intended to suggest that females do not get by with it. it does help here to be a male if you are going to be confrontational with the docs (sorry).
unfortunately, you're right. i always said i was going to deepen my voice and stuff a coban roll down my pants if it meant they'd be a little less nasty! thankfully, as the old docs start retiring, a lot of the chauvanism is going as well.
Specializes in trauma, ortho, burns, plastic surgery.

Never, ever was happend that with Zuzi. Who do you think that dare to thrown out Zuzi from OR when Zuzi had ALWAYS a calm voice and don't argue with them when she knew that they had a bad day or a bad night in ER...or more other personal problems.....! All in OR are HUMAN so may be they really feel insecure from different reasons, give them credit, listen to them, be soule and heart fellings with them and you will see that unbelivebel could be true and real if you know how to present the facts.

Is all about strategy!

One is to argue with a surgeron with 20 years experience in front of him and with personal problems, and another way is to present tactfull the facts. You will have a mentor and a friend for life! Instead to thrown out you from OR!

One is to argue with a new resident surgeron and make him feel bad, and another is to be "moma dolores" for him , he will never forget you even for 20 years after!

But I had surgerons who thrown out instruments (yupiiiiiiiiiii like the rackets on the air, loooool) because they don't like them and this was the only method to burn out, theirs anxiety....just ok, a lot of fun.....

So a surgeron in many cases, is like a nurse it is with him!

Zuzi had only Zuzi's surgerons and love them! Muaaaaaaaaah!

When the dr. starts signing my check then he/she can fire me.

I have never been kicked out of a room but I have asked to be relieved from a room for various reasons.:uhoh3:

Never, ever was happend that with Zuzi. Who do you think that dare to thrown out Zuzi from OR when Zuzi had ALWAYS a calm voice and don't argue with them when she knew that they had a bad day or a bad night in ER...or more other personal problems.....! All in OR are HUMAN so may be they really feel insecure from different reasons, give them credit, listen to them, be soule and heart fellings with them and you will see that unbelivebel could be true and real if you know how to present the facts.

Is all about strategy!

One is to argue with a surgeron with 20 years experience in front of him and with personal problems, and another way is to present tactfull the facts. You will have a mentor and a friend for life! Instead to thrown out you from OR!

One is to argue with a new resident surgeron and make him feel bad, and another is to be "moma dolores" for him , he will never forget you even for 20 years after!

But I had surgerons who thrown out instruments (yupiiiiiiiiiii like the rackets on the air, loooool) because they don't like them and this was the only method to burn out, theirs anxiety....just ok, a lot of fun.....

So a surgeron in many cases, is like a nurse it is with him!

Zuzi had only Zuzi's surgerons and love them! Muaaaaaaaaah!


Specializes in trauma, ortho, burns, plastic surgery.


depend of the nurse how she can mange a potential conflict with a surgeron!

The getting kicked out of a room has happened to some of the best OR nurses I know. Sometimes, if a circulator is advocating for the patient, a doc can get offended(especially the insecure ones). Sometimes it is a personality conflict. At any rate, deal with it face on, IMO. Have a conversation with the doc in question-and if you need to have your mentor, preceptor, NM etc with you then do that.

Rarely have I seen the banishment extend for a long time. Most places are so short staffed that they can't afford to cater to the whims of a cranky surgeon! :trout:Sometimes, it is the nurses fault, meaning that he/she was acting inappropriately. No matter whose fault it is-deal with it before it gets out of hand and if this nurse has been wronged, document, and talk to your union rep, if that applies(talk to your supervisor as a first line of defense though). If that doesn't work, THEN take it up the chain. PS. The brave ones tell you to your face(docs). The cowards act like everything is fine, and then whine to your NM.

This surgeon liked me from what i heard and requested me in his room all week and just because i forgot one simple thing- his little personal preference, he went behind my back and dismissed me from his room without telling me a thing. He approached his favorite nurse and asked her to do the rest of his cases for the day. He also told her, "She's nice but she's been in my room before and she should know by now. I'm only human and humans make mistakes.

I don't think i'm fired from his room forever because he told a nurse he didn't want her in his room again. I'm sure he would of yelled at me or told me the same thing if that was the case. But after he pulled that stunt i don't think i want to be in his room anymore.

Its not like i forgot something that was very important or put the patient at risk for harm. Considering what little experience i have, i know i'm a good OR nurse and have been told by many others that i am, even from this same surgeon who dismissed me. I can't remember every single surgeon's preference, atleast not yet because i've only been on my own for 5 months. Its hard enough learning the OR and all the important preferences. I asked my charge nurse if he was that upset with me that he had to kick me out of his room and she said it was no big deal and how she was sick and tired of catering to these whiney surgeons. She assigned me to another surgeon who was nice and patient, so i was happy the rest of the day.

This whiney surgeon has his favorite nurses or scrubs and if he doesn't get them, well he finds something wrong with you to get you out of his room, thats why alot of people don't really care for him. I guess he's done this to quite a few people. When i heard this i realized that he is the one with the problem, its not me so now i feel alot better. As a new nurse i doubt myself alot, my confidence is low and i worry all the time about everything. The last thing i need is someone who makes me feel like i'm incompetent.

Specializes in O.R., ED, M/S.

There have been times when I wished they would throw me out but, alas I had to stay. Never have been tossed but in reality it wouldn't really bother me if they did. I can always find something else to do.

Specializes in trauma, ortho, burns, plastic surgery.
This surgeon liked me from what i heard and requested me in his room all week and just because i forgot one simple thing- his little personal preference, he went behind my back and dismissed me from his room without telling me a thing. He approached his favorite nurse and asked her to do the rest of his cases for the day. He also told her, "She's nice but she's been in my room before and she should know by now. I'm only human and humans make mistakes.

I don't think i'm fired from his room forever because he told a nurse he didn't want her in his room again. I'm sure he would of yelled at me or told me the same thing if that was the case. But after he pulled that stunt i don't think i want to be in his room anymore.

Its not like i forgot something that was very important or put the patient at risk for harm. Considering what little experience i have, i know i'm a good OR nurse and have been told by many others that i am, even from this same surgeon who dismissed me. I can't remember every single surgeon's preference, atleast not yet because i've only been on my own for 5 months. Its hard enough learning the OR and all the important preferences. I asked my charge nurse if he was that upset with me that he had to kick me out of his room and she said it was no big deal and how she was sick and tired of catering to these whiney surgeons. She assigned me to another surgeon who was nice and patient, so i was happy the rest of the day.

This whiney surgeon has his favorite nurses or scrubs and if he doesn't get them, well he finds something wrong with you to get you out of his room, thats why alot of people don't really care for him. I guess he's done this to quite a few people. When i heard this i realized that he is the one with the problem, its not me so now i feel alot better. As a new nurse i doubt myself alot, my confidence is low and i worry all the time about everything. The last thing i need is someone who makes me feel like i'm incompetent.

Honey, is only about human nature! Dosen't seems that he don't want you, but he preffers another one felling comfortable with her (much experience probably, fitting personalities, who knows?)

As much as him dosen't hurt your fellings, yelling or make bad remarks about you and explained you why he take this decision, is just OK is normal.


You are ok, and you felt only rejected because you nedeed support on your first steps in OR and didn't come, much more was an negative feedback.

Is ok, you can deal with! Keep going you will find your spot finally!

I remember in my first ORs years one of the surgeron told also me that he prefers to work with ONLY his prefferd nurse (much experience, good personality fitting builded in years, that is all) I didn't become sad.

After a couple of years when she was in holiday I worked a lot with him and was ok, but he had true, only working with him I understood, with her they made a heven team!

I found for my self many people with who was a pleasure to work, couple with who was a pleasure to be in team, just keep going, we are human love, that is all!

Just need to find someone who really care and want to be team with you, dosen't count your experience you will learn fast if you will fell secure and support! Belive in you and of course in your team!


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