EVCC Fall 2015 applicants

U.S.A. Washington


Hey everyone! Just trying to find out roughly where everyone is at and what people scored on the TEAS for fall 2015. This is my first time applying, but I scored an 86% overall. Fingers crossed I will only have to apply this one time! Now it's a waiting game !

I'm wondering if you know what last fall's lowest score was? Also are you currently attending Evcc or applying from other schools! So nervous!!!

Genn- All I could find for Fall test scores is that it above 80 is important, but also somewhere else it said the lowest score accepted was 82. Of course this is all from other students and not anything official. I am not at EVCC this quarter, but I did finish all of my pre-reqs there. I haven't applied to other schools, although if I don't get in I plan on expanding my options even though Evcc is my preference. Totally nerve wrecking(sp?)!!!

Yeah...I'm really hoping I am in. I'm not worried about you at all. I am at that cut off. I did go in and ask but she couldn't tell me anything really. Uggghh. I wish I knew everyone's score so we can all just know! Hahahaha. Def obsessing over here! Ugh. I keep thinking... Should I risk it and take it over? But I don't know.

Is it worth the risk?? Do you think you could do better?? I think they won't tell scores partly because ATI has another test date prior to the deadline. The only people I have talked to have scored in the 80's, but after my test I did overhear some bummed out students talking about their scores and those only being in the mid to upper 70's. Don't give up hope!!

Ok. I'll just go with it. If I get in, I'll get in and be stoked and if not. There is always next quarter and other schools ;)

ok, my immunization account is compliant..paper application and TEAS score all in....anyone else biting their nails???

Good job Genn and Cmulyadi!

Hi, everyone. I hear the Fall quarter is slightly more competitive than Spring & Winter, although I'm not sure what that means as far as actual numbers go. I got a 97%, but looking at the national mean on the score sheet, I would think mid eighties should be pretty safe.

Most definitely biting my nails now!! Everything is in! I've checked my list more times than Santa checks his, and I've got everything crossed hoping for good news in the next couple of weeks!! Brittany- wow 97%!! I was in 97% rank for the program and nationally, but damn girl, can you say rockstar??!!

Wow! Nicely done, Brittany!!!

From talking to the advisors and the gals at the health sciences desk, they are all equally competitive. Winter is now the most because the cohort from UW is going to fill all but 10 places. I think It's pretty competitive not matter what! Here's hoping :)

Tell me more about "the cohort from UW". What does that mean? In any case, you're right - competitive no matter what quarter.

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