Published Apr 5, 2004
29 Posts
Hi Everyone,
I'd like to set up a CPR and Firstaid instructing business. Would appreciate all suggestions. Will consider other health education and wellness educations topics also so that I can diversify. At this point, just brainstorming. Will be contacting SCORE. I'd love to hear suggestions, thoughts on this type of business from everyone. I'd love to have some sort of self employment type business. My understanding is that Independant contracting is out as I'm an LPN and LPN's have to work under the supervision of an RN (still checking with this with the state board of nursing). Tired of working at nursing homes, hospitals. My last job really battered me! Suggestions???
:balloons: Come on folks--let's do some brainstorming. I have come across such great ideas here and am really hoping for some terrific input. Considering the number of health care providers who teach this kind of courses, I suspect that there may have been similar threads in the past. Have done some searchs but haven't come up with anything. Basically what I'm looking for is: suggestions on where to get clients (marketing) ; any input on similar businesses that have failed and the reason for their failure ; suggestions for additional types of classes, inservices that I can teach which may help to make ends meet and equally of importance to of value to my clients :) ; Also, am open to information about business structures (licensing) ; and will eagerly consider all helpful hints and suggestions. This is just the planning stage and I want to get things off the ground right :balloons: WAAAHOOOO! here I go!
nightingale, RN
2,404 Posts
I had thought of this briefly. I do have my CPR Instructor card. I was taken aback with the cost of the automated defib. model for training etc...
I did do some volounteer work with my kids school. I saw other instructors working the school system sucessfully with larger audiences, less advertsing, and cosnsitency of a client base.
I hope this helps you.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Most hospitals already have in-house programs for CPR, HOWEVER, they don't necessarily have a program for ACLS, PALS, and NRP. This would involve you getting certified as an instructor in this area. It can be done. This would make your company the most marketable. Also, are there any companies in your area doing this?
You can try going to the larger businesses in your area and offer CPR training to their staff for a set price at so much per student.............
You will need to get an approved mannekin, though. You can check into prices from various companies and see what their payment plans are.......
Hope that this gives you a start....................... :balloons:
Thank you for your suggestions! I appreciate all the help I can get. :)
purplemania, BSN, RN
2,617 Posts
Why not find people who are certified instructors in various things and contract them to teach for you? A friend had such a business. He could offer CPR, ACLS, PALS, survivor techniques, what to do if your car stops on the Interstate, home security info, first aid-----you get the idea. Physician's offices, hospitals, nursing homes, civic groups were all clients. He dispatched certain people for certain jobs and did some himself. He did not advertise his nursing license so he was not practicing nursing per se. That kept him from certain legal risks. Good luck. I think there is a need for it. Even hospitals with Ed Dept need people to call on at times.
:balloons: I love it! Over the last couple of weeks have combined efforts with 2 other CPR instructors. We are finding that we are very diverse in our backgrounds and work historys (peds nursing, geriatric nursing, cardiac nursing, emt, search and rescue, disaster planning, etc) which will enable us the foundation we need to offer a wide variety of courses. We are also ...considering... establishing a community training center. Big thoughts, big plans, lots of things to think about!!! Again, I appreciate all of the helpful hints and nuggets of information I can get. Locating professional Liability Insurance at a reasonable cost is currently one of our stumbling blocks. Have got calls out to other instructors and training centers for references. Also, have contacted some insurance brokers. Please keep the suggestions coming!
Renee' Y-Y
136 Posts
Nursing homes - many do not offer their own programs, nor do they have educators on staff to provide these classes.
Hotels, restaurants, trucking companies - might be able to get contracts with them too.
3 Posts
Hi Everyone, I'd like to set up a CPR and Firstaid instructing business. Would appreciate all suggestions. Will consider other health education and wellness educations topics also so that I can diversify. At this point, just brainstorming. Will be contacting SCORE. I'd love to hear suggestions, thoughts on this type of business from everyone. I'd love to have some sort of self employment type business. My understanding is that Independant contracting is out as I'm an LPN and LPN's have to work under the supervision of an RN (still checking with this with the state board of nursing). Tired of working at nursing homes, hospitals. My last job really battered me! Suggestions???
CPR is wide open...nursing homes, assisted living, schools, airports, businesses, hotels, transportation authority, etc... My suggestion is to target one of these markets and develop a direct marketing program for your niche.
are there any nurses out there doing this? how do you get certified and how do you find a job. also, what kind of salary does this bring?