Essex county college spring 10


Specializes in none yet...ready for action.

Hey guys, new member here. Quick question has anyone else applied for the spring 2010 nursing program and if so when do we get acceptance/denial letters? thanks

Specializes in Neuroscience.

Hi rjordan

I sat for nln and still waiting.....:(

Specializes in none yet...ready for action.

hey i spoke to the chairperson and she said letters would go out this month so lets cross our fingers

Specializes in Neuroscience.

Hi rjordan

Did you ask about the cut off points? I wish she told you the exact date, waiting is very stressing:crying2: Nway am also keeping my fingers crossed.

Specializes in none yet...ready for action.

what u mean like score gpa??? nah i didnt ask all of that.. i didnt want to become annoying...i should have...i got a 3.3 gpa and 150 on the nln so lets see what happens

Specializes in Neuroscience.

Wow! You did good. I didn't mean gpa, just the scores. My gpa is 3.7 and 121 for nln.

Specializes in none yet...ready for action.

lol..ya thanks...i thought i didnt do good on it but we'll see how it turns out with the school..good luck to u maybe we'll meet in class : )

hey guys,

i am still waiting to hear also about admission to the spring 2010 program.

i got a 150 on the nln and my gpa is 3.66.

i do have some information on the point system:

the highest amount of points you can get is 31 and the lowest that would be accepted is 7. when i spoke to (moderator edit of name), she used my stats tell me how many points i had.

gpa in eng 101, a&p i, chem: 3.6 = 4 points 3.7 = 7 points (i hope the computer rounds up!)

nln score: verbal 90th percentile: 5 points math 90th percentile: 5 points science: 90th percentile: 5 points

the maximum you can get for nln is 15 points.

i am an essex county resident: 3 points (maximum points)

i never re-took a science class: 3 points (maximum points)

i have taken 14 credits at ecc: 1 point (maximum 3 points)

so depending on how they treat my gpa, i either have 26 or 29 points. with the maximum amount of points available being 31, i am hoping this puts me in a good position.

and congrats to the other person who got a 150 on the nln like me!:yeah:

Hey RJordan!

Does it seem like it is taking forever for ECC to send out these acceptance letters? Nothing in the mail today for me. :(

Also, how did most people you know do on this test? I haven't met too many people who have taken it, but so far I know 1 other person who passed and 6 who didn't make the 50th percentile.

I wonder how many people didn't pass?

Specializes in none yet...ready for action.

ummm honestly ya waiting for the letter is killing me...i need to know what im doing cause if i dont get accepted here im gonna apply to mountainside which is more expensive but hey ill do what i got to do.....i dont know anyone else that took the test... im sure u will be fine with your stats....i hope i can say the same...i dont live in essex no more i live in elizabeth but ive taken all my credits from ecc and have my associates from there...i hope they dont take points away from me even though i spent cash at the

Specializes in none yet...ready for action.

im done every pre req only things i need to do is sociology and medical terminology outside of the pretty much set...

Mountainside Hospital is joining with Caldwell College to for a BSN program. Mountainside is no longer doing 2-4 year diploma programs. I don't know if you knew that.

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