Published Mar 17, 2007
3 Posts
Hi, my name is Yuko and am a 1st year nursing student.
I have stuck with my assignment and I would like to ask you if you can give me any help!!
Since I am away from college for the las 17 years! and I don't even remember how to write an essay, I am very confused.
Assignment essay must be about any mental illness/health issue from movie, book, arts, etc.
I chose the movie The Beautiful Mind with Russel Crow.
In this movie, he suffers from Schizophasia, and I looked for books which related to Schizophasia at my uni. However there is no book which talks about Schizophasia. There are books about Schizophrenia. I dont see the difference between two of them...
There are much more information about Schizophrenia than about Schizophasia...
Are they the same illness??
And as for essay, I don't really understand what to talk about.
I should not talk about the movie itself, should I ??
These are some points I thought about,,,
Summary of the movie,
Etiology of Schizophasia,
Previous and Actual treatment of Schizophasia,
Nursing intervention? ( how to support those patients...)
The essay must be between 1500 and 2000 words...
What do you think?
2,441 Posts
The mental illness is called Schizophrenia. a characteristic of any one of the 9 FORMS of Schizophrenia.
Some sufferers of Schizophrenia speak "gibberish" or a language, this can be written or oral, that no one else can understand...the "new language" is called Schizophrasia.
The difference between a patient making random sounds and showing signs of Schizophrazia, is that the new language pattern is very consistent.
If I were you, I would start my assignment by researching the 9 types of Schizophrenia and figure out which one applies to Russell Crow's character in the movie. His character also showed signs of Schizophrazia...but I'll leave that up to you to research.
Dear Mr. Hopefull
Thank you for your response!!
I have searched again and again,,,but I could not find 9 characteristics??
I have searched my university's e-database...
There are a lot about Schizophrenia, but none about the word "Schizophasia".
I am not allowed to use Wikipedia,,,but I can use 2 other websites for this essay... and I have to use at least 2 journal articles...
Do you know where I can find the information about 9 different types of Schizophrenia?
Thank you,
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Hello, yuko,
Try here:
How to Write an Essay
Basic Guide to Essay Writing
Dear Mr. HopefullThank you for your response!! I have searched again and again,,,but I could not find 9 characteristics??I have searched my university's e-database... There are a lot about Schizophrenia, but none about the word "Schizophasia". I am not allowed to use Wikipedia,,,but I can use 2 other websites for this essay... and I have to use at least 2 journal articles...Do you know where I can find the information about 9 different types of Schizophrenia?Thank you,YUKO
It's not 9's 9 TYPES of Schizophrenia.
Your best source is to find the latest edition of DSM at your college library.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
here are some weblinks that you may find helpful. you are just not searching in right places for the right information. - here are links to information on john forbes nash, the subject of the movie a beautiful mind. you might want to check out some of the links to see if there is specific information on the type of schizophrenia he has in order to proceed with your paper. there has been a good deal written about mr. nash that you should check out and probably reference for your paper. - schizophrenia: a review. includes information on the five types of schizophrenia. - schizophrenia: diagnosis and types