Brand new school nurse this year and learning a lot. I come from a clinic background so the school setting has been a big adjustment for me. Thankfully this board has helped me out a ton. Until today. I had my first epic fail as a school nurse. I am 1 nurse for 4 schools in our district, so I have to travel around. Today was called to the high school for an 11th grader with "blue, shaky" hands. I drove up to the high school thinking the worst. Got there and sure enough, they were blue. Both sides of both hands up to about her wrists. Everything checked out- vitals, not dyspneic or wheezy. No hx of cardiac issues, but does have asthma. No numbness/ tingling or pain in hands. She appeared nervous, but not really in any distress. Said she felt fine aside from her hands. I was stumped so I called mom to have her brought in for evaluation. Student came back about an hour later- turns out she was wearing brand new dark blue jeans and it had rubbed off on her hands. UGHHH. Glad everything turned out ok but boy do I feel stupid. Next time someone's anything is blue I'll try washing first. TGIF