epi pens

Specialties School


Specializes in aged -adolescent.


One of our students has an allergy to insect bites and an epi pen has been provided. Recently while away from school he suffered a severe allergic reaction and ended up in the ICU for three days. Should he be bitten at school and I have to use this epi pen, am I right in thinking he should still then be transferred to hospital at the soonest opportunity and be placed on ventalin (salbutamol) to dilate the bronchi until the ambulance arrives. I haven't used one before but want to be prepared. Are there any other safeguards I can put in place?

thanks in anticipation

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

Absolutely! The duration of action of an epi-pen is not very long. It is possible that a second injection of epi or other medical management may be required to treat an insect bite in a highly allergic child. I agree that prompt transport to the ER is in order, preferably by EMS.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

Epi pen administation needs to always be followed up with a hospital visit. Should you ever have a situation have someone call for an ambulance while you are giving the epipen - get them on the road!

Any child with an Epi Pen should have an emergency care plan agreed upon by the nurse, the parents and the primary care provider.

The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) Food Allergy Action Plan is the standard for children with food allergies and insect stings and it is endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology. Calling 911 after administering the Epi Pen is part of the protocol and the standard of practice.


Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN): http://www.foodallergy.org/

You can download the Action Plan in both English and Spanish: http://www.foodallergy.org/downloads.html

Specializes in SICU, EMS, Home Health, School Nursing.
Any child with an Epi Pen should have an emergency care plan agreed upon by the nurse, the parents and the primary care provider.

The kids I had with severe allergies had to have signed emergency plans by their parents and doctor stating what they wanted done should a reaction occur. Most of my kids had some sort of fast acting benadryl such as the type that dissolves on your tongue, epi pen, and strict instructions of who to call, etc. Some of them we were instructed to call 911 immediately, and others we were just supposed to call the parents first, and then monitor for signs of reaction and if they had them, call 911.

I kept a list of the kids with allergies, and medical conditions in a easy to grab location and I kept all the medications organized in a box where I could grab them quickly. I also had to send a copy of the care plan and the medications with the kids teachers when they went on field trips.

Specializes in aged -adolescent.

Thanks everyone

This thanks is belated but I was getting emails to say there were responses to my posts and they have dropped off. is there any way I can arrange it so that there is again notification in my emails. thanks

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