Published Feb 18, 2015
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
When we all were young I'm sure we threw our fair share of tantrums, poked out our lips, and stomped our feet. Some people still do that to manipulate others into giving into their demands. As Nurses, we probably have had patients who are convinced they should have top priority at the expense of others. And, as Nurses we realize that we cannot fix personality flaws, but render the best care we can for everyone. Have you run into that type of patient before?
1,224 Posts
I actually just showed up for a regular staff meeting this month that was just for the nurses and our manager had not sent out an agenda for, which was odd but hey...then the employee health person walks in and proceeds to educate us about compassion fatigue and the resources that our company offers to help us with this. We all kinda felt like we had unknowingly walked into an intervention!
940 Posts
Our manager follows behind us, randomly checking up on the patients' satisfaction. If a patient seems unhappy, or confused about their plan of care, for whatever tiny reason, we will hear about it. Then and there. Sooo... unfortunate as it is, why wouldn't patients feel entitled ?