Published Dec 28, 2021
12 Posts
I’m in Texas and completed my board order back in June. It was for diversion but the discipline on my license will always be public record even though I now have an unencumbered license. For the last 3 yrs I worked psych since they would hire a nurse with stipulations but I really want to go back to the acute hospital. Does anyone in the Fort Worth area know if they are going to look at my prior discipline and refuse to work with me or since I’m now unencumbered will I be able to get a job without worrying about the past discipline being a factor?
SNB1014, RN
307 Posts
Ooof this is a big concern for me as well. I’m in austin and am hoping that HRs don’t ruin a perfectly good interview and initial offer.
RN0929, BSN
3 Posts
I am in Mississippi so I don't have Texas info but... I wondered how you go about applying for new job with mark on your license? Do you go ahead and write a cover letter stating what they will soon find out? How has that worked out for y'all?
No I didn’t divulge it on the application unless they specifically asked about it. Some hospitals do ask in their applications. Otherwise when I actively had stipulations on my license when I went to interview I took a copy of my board order so that when I told them about it they could look over my consent agreement and ask questions if needed.
Gino Vizzini
18 Posts
Past discipline is a non-issue if you are unencumbered.
Fine somewhere with an insane sign-on bonus in an acute hospital, I found one with temporary restrictions (12,500$ sign on) just can’t work as CNO, DON, Supervisor, travel nursing, hospice.
just remember the higher the bonus, the more desperate the facility and yours probably walking into a crap show.
On 1/24/2022 at 2:04 PM, LMB said: No I didn’t divulge it on the application unless they specifically asked about it. Some hospitals do ask in their applications. Otherwise when I actively had stipulations on my license when I went to interview I took a copy of my board order so that when I told them about it they could look over my consent agreement and ask questions if needed.
My BON required disclosure of the stipulations upon job offer- so it put employers in a weird spot when they hired me and the next thing I gave was a board order! but the positions did not conflict with what the board stipulated.
2 Posts
I'm in Texas and I have about the lowest form of discipline attached to my license one could get. I had a HIPAA violation and was given a $500 fine, a nursing jurisprudence course to take, and have to have an RN or senior LVN sign a quarterly form for one year saying I havent had any more HIPPA incidents. That's it. Fine has been paid, class has been taken....
As of today I have applied to 108 jobs in 31 days and have yet to find employment. I've gotten several offers and as soon as they read HIPPA violation, I get ghosted. Like literally they won't respond to phone calls, emails, texts, smoke signals, etc. The latest one last Thursday even told me they were gonna give me a chance and just had to verify with the board that I'm up to date and they'd get back to me by the next day... It's been 7 days. I showed up today to ask when I could start training and I was escorted off the premises!
Yes, you may finish your stipulations. Yes, you may have phenomenal references. In Texas, your order will be online for eternity for every Tom, Dick, and Harry who know your name to see, unlike other states who have a statute of limitations and they must expunge it. As they say, first impressions are everything and now that employers are googling people before hiring them, I personally feel as though my career has been ended by a mistake I made. I was told by Kinetix, a huge hiring firm for healthcare, that on any application that asks if you've ever had any action taken against your license or any fine and you answer yes, you will automatically be disqualified. You are considered a liability. No matter what the national provider registry says about your license standing, your public discipline will be your scarlet letter.
So your options as states above is to work for a nursing home where you will most likely be putting your license and health on the line every day you report to work.
P.S.- receiving discipline to my license was a traumatic experience for me. It took about a year before I wanted to get back into healthcare at all and so took a two-year hiatus to finish a bachelor's in public health. That seems to have been a mistake in regards to the nursing field because I've had to HR interviews tell me that it looks like I tried to hide from my discipline by just joining another field of work. I don't say this to discourage you I just say it in order to prepare you for what I hope is a better experience than I've had.
I feel this
11 Posts
Hey is there any updates on anyone knowing the jobs that will hire nurses with new or old board orders?
53 Posts
I just landed a job at a long term care facility/ rehab . Not what I was looking for but they are willing to work with me while on probation.
Adekam Halimaj
1 Post
I'm a LVN in Austin TX. I've been a nurse for 13 years. I was reported by hh comp because I was paid for a shift I didn't work. My board order was finalized in March. I got a warning c stipulations and $250 fine. I have to complete a year of employment in a facility and have a senior LVN or RN supervise me and sign off quarterly. I'm frustrated because I've been on many interviews but once they learn of my stipulations, the employers run for the hills and I don't here back. I'm trying to remain hopeful but its frustrating. I just need one employer to hire me. Anyone know employers that will hire with encumbered licence?