Emory New RN Residency Fall 2015

U.S.A. Georgia


Hey, so I haven't seen any new threads pop up about the next round of Emory's new grad residencies. Has anyone applied recently/heard anything? I'm scheduled for an interview at Midtown on the 30th, but I'd like to talk to/hear from others going through the process or those who have already been through it. Anyone know if the interview is just the group, or if you pass the group interview and then have to come back for another one-on-one? I'm from out-of-state.

It seems like university gave out answers early but midtown is going to wait until next week

"That day" lol what am I doing. Like it was so long ago. I've been on so many planes and so many long car rides, yesterday feels like last week!

It seems like university gave out answers early but midtown is going to wait until next week

Thanks for the info! Hate the waiting, but at least I'm not in it alone :)

I received an offer from Oncology at Emory University Hospital! I'll be relocating from California.

Thanks for the info! i makes me feel better:)

I'll be in Oncology also! I received an offer for hematology. What unit will you be on?

Congrats! Wish you the best!

I interviewed for Mother Baby, What about you?

I hope so too! I guess we have to wait until next week:)

My offer is for a surgical oncology floor at Emory university hospital! In coming from Massachusetts and is anyone else looking to share an apartment too?

I interviewed for Mother Baby, How about you?

I hope so too! I guess we have to wait until next week:)

I would've been delighted to have either, but I interviewed with L&D even though most of my experience was in mother/baby and high-risk OB. Pleasantly surprised by that. Really hoping everyone gets what they want, everyone I've met so far on here really deserves it! Fingers crossed :up:

Does anybody know the exact start date? I was so excited when they called with my offer that I forgot to ask.

Emory midtown has contacted a few people I know

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