emergency meds storage


Just curious as to how you store your emergency meds in your clinic. I have seen individual ziplock containers , stored in filing cabinet with file for each student and hanging on a wall in the clinic with student names for all to see. How do you plan to get them out quickly in case of emergency evac? Thnaks,looking for a good way to keep them accessible yet private.

EpiPens are sitting out in full view with student's name clearly labelled. If I'm out of the clinic and one of my designated emergency people needs to find Susie Q's EpiPen, I don't want them flipping through the binder to find my notes and then digging through a cabinet to find the right medicine. So far the only comments I've gotten about that have been positive - both from admin and from parents.

Albuterol inhalers are locked up, but the spacers are in a shoe organizer and labelled with each kid's name. The frequent users also know where their spacers are kept and will get them themselves.

As for emergency evacuation -- for drills, I have a go bag with (shh) slightly expired unopened inhaler and slightly expired EpiPens, under the assumption that in any TRUE emergency, something will be better than nothing. Some of the schools in my district have rolling med carts that they just take with them, but mine is attached to the wall. It's something we're discussing for the future though, getting rolling carts for everyone.

My stock EpiPens are in an unlocked cabinet (locked at the end of my day), placed prominently on the shelf (at eye level) - no way to miss them, same with the Glucagon for my diabetics. All others are in ziplock bags with names and in a bucket in the cabinet. Inhalers on one shelf, EpiPens on the next shelf, Neb stuff on the next and finally PRNs on the bottom shelf.

At our first staff meeting of the year I let all the teachers know where the emergency meds are kept and tell them to stop by just so they know if I am not here or if a situation arises and I need someone to run and get something for me. So far this seems to work for us.

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health Nurse.

I'm looking in to getting tackle boxes with a lock. I don't have much meds at either school because they are bigger kids and they mostly carry.

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