Published Jul 17, 2019
Nurse Des, RN
7 Posts
Hello there, fellow school nurses!
I just became a school nurse in January for a nurse who was retiring. She did not return after winter (Christmas) break and I took over. I work at an Elementary school currently. However, there is a high school position that is open. At first I was VERY interested in transferring to a high school, because I have a background of adolescent psych nursing (3 years), so I'm familiar with working with teens and am comfortable with it. However, after thinking about it more I decided to stick with the school I'm already at because I am familiar with most of the teachers and students. I also have the clinic set up how I like it, and I'm hoping that would make next school year a bit easier. However, my boss messaged me yesterday and said that the high school's principal is interested in me because of my background and wanted to know when I can come in for an interview. Now I'm starting to reconsider, but I can't decide if I should go for it or not. I was wondering what your favorite age group to work with is? What do you think I should do? Do you think it would be better to stay where I've been already or go to a new school with the age group I'm more comfortable with? Who's easier to deal with?
Thanks in advance! ?
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
Don't be afraid to move if you think you're going to a better fit. You will make new friends and set up a new office quicker than you imagine. If you're totally content in elementary, then by all means, stay where you are. There's probably no incentive for moving and you'll probably end up with more kids and more demands placed on you at the HS, but these are things that you know better and can decide best. Good luck
halohg, RN
217 Posts
Follow your heart. Listen to what they have to say. Certainly nice to be wanted and someone that appreciates your experience. The first year is always the hardest, but it does not mean the grass is greener just because you got through the first year. I personally would meet with them and get a real feel of the chemistry and then follow my gut. Best of luck, not an easy one.
RatherBHiking, BSN, RN
582 Posts
You have a history of working with adolescents and now you have experience working with grade school kids so which age group do you enjoy working with the most? If you have a favorite there's your answer.
If you like them the same go on the interview to just get a feel of things, check out the office, etc. Not everyone enjoys working with the older, moody, hormonal teens but you can connect with them on a different level than the young ones. You can also joke with older kids a little easier. With all your experience dealing with the teens it seems like there's a lot you could bring to the table that other nurses may not already have and you'd be a big asset there. You said:
On 7/17/2019 at 11:00 AM, Nurse Des said: to a new school with the age group I'm more comfortable with
to a new school with the age group I'm more comfortable with
This makes me think you'd enjoy working with the older kids better. High school jobs don't come open very often just because there aren't as many as grade schools so that's something to consider as well.
I've mainly worked grade schools and some middle schools. Attitudes with kids are my pet peeve. They make me go through the roof really fast and I never tolerated them with my own kids. I find grade school kids have a lot less attitudes which is why I like working with them better but it's hard too because you have to play detective every day. I have to try and figure out if they don't feel well because they missed breakfast, didn't poop, are getting sick or worried about something. I don't think one group is easier than another. They are just different. I would base my decision on which age group I enjoy the most and secondly on which school has the best support.