Elcentro fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


I know its super duper early.. I'm still in the process of taking my pre reqs.. I still need biol 1406 & bio 2401 I made a B in engl 1301 & A in psyc 2301.. I plan on taking bio 1406 in fall & bio 2401 in winter semester. Im taking as many supporting classes as I can to rack up on the extra points. I currently attend collin but they have so many more requirements than el centro so in the event i do not get accepted into elcentro the following semester I will apply at collin.. I still need Hesi & all my shots along with cpr.. anyone in the same situation? Or just getting the process started?? I figured I'd start a thread to help us all get over this together.. feel free to comment advice, concerns or questions :)

The guy that I spoke with over the phone told me that the lowest they accepted was 17 points. He works there so I just took his word for it. I don't know how true this is, I don't think he would have any reason to lie. ijs.

No I decided that I would apply for the Fall, I have a lot of things that I want to finish up before I start nursing school. I just hope that I can get in my main goal is to have every single BSN requirement finished before nursing school starts. The only thing I have left on that list is Chemistry and I need to take Micro. They don't accept any other fine arts class which is crazy I took Music appreciation and I don't think that it's fair that they don't count that. I refuse to keep paying money for all these classes. I feel that as long as it is a fine arts credit they should accept it.

Sounds like everyone is getting all their ducks in a row!!!! I applied to TVCC and UTA. I have to retake the HESI for ECC Dec 17 because I made a 78 on a section, if I pass, I will apply same day. I am hoping I get in UTA, but I will take what I get :)

Are you guys ready for Christmas???? I know I am! I can't wait til this semester is OVER! I am going to the beach in 20 days for Christmas!! wooooooohooooooooooo!!! ANd then back to a full load of classes! Good luck yall

I made a 78 on the math section today after making an 84 on it last time ... I swear I hate we have to retest over all the sections

The same thing happened to me once, If I did good on one section I would not look over that again. So I made myself go sit down at my school's library and I would study5pm until they closed. They have a book on Amazon called Dave's Basic Math Review for Nurses.....this book helped me pass with an 86. It shows yous step by step instructions on how to do math problems and the reviews on Amazon are real reviews, not the fake one's. DON'T GIVE UP.

Thank you .. I had the same exact test as the first time when I made the 84 .. maybe I shouldn't have done math first I won't next time I'll do reading first. January 13 is my last chance so I have to get it right this time or I'm gonna need to find a plan B ...

Okay let me give you some advice that my cousin gave me cause back in September I was in your shoes. The books that I recommended in previous post try to order them off amazon if you can. Step 2 DO NOT STUDY AT HOME, I tried and it does not work when I tried to study at home I would turn on the TV or pull my phone out and troll the internet. I would do all of this starting now if you really want to pass by the time you want to pass. I was dying on the inside when I saw my results...I was happy cause all my hard work had paid off. I wish I would have met you a few weeks ago, I gave all my books away to my friend in Chicago is is going through the same thing. YOU CAN AND YOU WILL PASS this test.

Hey guys!

I am applying with 31 points. Hopefully, that will be good enough. I had all of my stuff done for last application period EXCEPT that darn shot that has to have a 6 month period between doses and I will be getting the second dose here in a few days. Anyways, good luck to you all!

I'm sure you will get in having 31 points is awesome. If you need a CPR card there is this great place in Plano that only charges 35.00! I thought that was a steal considering the fact everyone else wanted between 60-85 dollars.

That should be enough points. I'm sure you will get in :) What did you score for each section on the HESI? I have 18 point without the HESI, but it is so hard to score high on the HESI. Any tips? I studied the HESI prep guide 4th edition and made flashcards. I also did a lot of practice tests online. Good luck!! Hopefully we both get in for fall 2017:)

Hey everybody I'm glad announce that I'm officially in compliance with Sentry MD. I'm so happy! I've turned in everything! Good luck everybody.

Anyone know which health insurance they would accept ? I don't have health insurance, and I wanted to enroll before the deadline.

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