Updated: Mar 3, 2020 Published Aug 28, 2012
Joe V
7 Articles; 2,561 Posts
The need for education cannot be denied...
It's important for nurses to continue their education to keep abreast of new developments in their field.
It's important for nursing students to continue their education regardless of any obstacles in the way.
We are not born great but we are designed for greatness.
Nurses and Education - Do you have any stories you like to share about continuing education?
The quote on the image was shared by bearcat194 on Motivating the nurse in all of us @ allnurses.com.
Every month, we will create and share a new motivational image with the goal that it helps you get through the day.
1,026 Posts
I agree. With so many changes and developments happening in the field of medicine and healthcare, nurses should always be up to date. Education is not only limited to taking up nursing bridge program or taking a master's degree in nursing. Education is learning and learning can be achieved in even the smallest of things, like reading medical journals or attending conferences or conventions related your specialization.