further education or getting experience



I gradated from ASS RN last year and went straight for my BSN accelerated program at Stony Brook University in hopes to get a hospital job. I m graduating next week but looking at the current job market I don't know if I should continue with further education or search harder for "bed side jobs" and get some experience .I m working at private school as part time nurse. even with education I cant' decide between MSN or NP because NP & DNP degree is my ultimate goal. only other nurses can understand my situation and I am desperate for answers. I live in NY, married and have kids, and soon I have to worry about my son's collage.

I would start looking for a job now. You can continue your education, but at somepoint you will need some experience to go along with all of the education you are getting.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

work will answer some of your questions about how to further your career. You might be lucky enough too find an employer who will assist with tuition costs.

Absolutely get a job, start applying immediately.

I graduated from Stony brook last year (also bsn) people who graduated with me got hired got hired between now and July.

Most jobs will pay for a good chunk of your continuing education (thus saving you thousands).

Plus who wants to hire an advanced practice nurse with NO experience.

I graduated started work ASAP and now I'm starting grad school a year later.

Get a job soon as possible, it'll be tough but it's by by the smartest move

thank you so much mhy12784..the no experience and "just" a school nurse scares me too but it getting a job at hospital these days is becoming like a luxury but hopefully jobs will start to open up soon . if you don't mind after BSN what did you choose for your grade school MSN , NP or DNP? is there such thing from BSN to DNP ? and how long does it take?

thank you so much mhy12784..the no experience and "just" a school nurse scares me too but it getting a job at hospital these days is becoming like a luxury but hopefully jobs will start to open up soon . if you don't mind after BSN what did you choose for your grade school MSN , NP or DNP? is there such thing from BSN to DNP ? and how long does it take?

I believe that BSN to DNP is not available in New York State (yet?). They do have them around the country (ive seen a few schools in CT with them).

Hospital jobs are extremely difficult to get without experience, but they exists. Youll just have to be persistent

I went for an MSN in Nursing Leadership (its like a generic/administrative based). NP/DNP wasnt for me

I think BSN to dnp programs tend to be around 3 years but they are going to vary wildly

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