Edison State College 2014

U.S.A. Florida


Hello! Is anyone applying for Edison(Lee campus) for fall of next year? I plan on applying in the spring for the evening program. I'm also in the process of finishing my last pre reqs and studying for the Hesi. I know the evening program is about 5 semesters but does anyone know if its shorter when all pre reqs are completed? So far I've gotten all A's in them. Thanks in advance

I'm not sure. I ju

Specializes in Emergency Room.

Well I went to the info session last night and it cleared up a few questions that I had. They are completely doing away with the night time bridge (now called transitions) program because their wasn't any interest in it. Also as of fall the people who apply for the transitions program don't have to take the mobility exam but the downside of that is if you have an LPN licensure before 2008 you can't apply for the bridge program anymore. You have to apply for the entry program with everyone else, it's a new Florida statute. I believe there are additional requirements like transcript verification/evaluation,etc if you attended a school outside of Lee,Charlotte, and Collier counties. I'm not sure I wasn't paying too much attention bc I am applying for the entry program.

Both programs (transitions & days) will run for 4 semesters instead of 5. Evenings will still be 5 because of summer session. They spread them out because it's become so competitive that almost everyone is completing pre and co reqs before applying to the program and many were having problems qualifying for financial aid due to lack of credits. The director of the said that they are also increasing spots to get in. The basic day program will now have 48 spots availiable and part time evenings will have 36 spots which is good news. Last application cycle the minimum points to get in were Lee-85 points and Charlotte & Collier-81 points.

Hesi-They are working on a contract with Prometrics so if you live out of the area you can take the Hesi at a Prometrics testing center instead of driving or flying down to one of the campuses. The downside is the fee for the test will be around $93 instead of $65 but it's worth it.

Good luck to all those applying!


That's great!!! Good luck girl!!! You will do gone I'm sure! Keep in touch and I will help however I can! Careplans, books!

Specializes in Emergency Room.
That's great!!! Good luck girl!!! You will do gone I'm sure! Keep in touch and I will help however I can! Careplans, books!

Thank you so much! I'm praying that I get in. I'm taking the Hesi in a couple weeks and I will let you know how it goes :)

Hey there! I'm also applying for the Lee evening program! I already finished all my pre-requisites and so I'm just planning on studying for the Hesi. If I get the days that I picked, I should be taking my Hesi in May. I'm really nervous because if I don't do exceptionally well on the Hesi then I don't think I'll get into the evening program. :( I went to the orientation on March 12 and I was shocked by how many people were in there! The nursing program is definitely competitive. I wish you the best of luck! :)

Vv, be sure to hit the math hard. Ratios, proportions, and practice issuing the calculator on the computer. Also hit biology and anatomy. If you get the book down pat, you are golden. I'll help anyway I can but start there.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

Hey there! I was at that same info session. The room was packed! I think alot of people that attended were just starting out or getting info. I don't think that they're applying just yet. At least I hope not. Did you buy the Hesi book? From what I've heard the test is almost identical to the book. Also why are you taking it in May? I would suggest taking it earlier so if you don't do as well as you want you can take it again before applying. Good luck!

Hey there! I'm also applying for the Lee evening program! I already finished all my pre-requisites and so I'm just planning on studying for the Hesi. If I get the days that I picked, I should be taking my Hesi in May. I'm really nervous because if I don't do exceptionally well on the Hesi then I don't think I'll get into the evening program. :( I went to the orientation on March 12 and I was shocked by how many people were in there! The nursing program is definitely competitive. I wish you the best of luck! :)

I took the Hesi last year just to see what it was about and I didn't do too good, I got a 83. :( My weakness is Bio. I took Bio like 7 years ago, back when I was in high school! Any suggestions on how to study for Bio?

Yes that room was packed! I went to the session just because I forgot the date I went the first time lol. I was shoked because the first time I went there was no more than 10 people. Yes I bought the Hesi book, hopefully ill start studying this weekend! Have you started studying? I thought about taking the hesi twice but being that I would have to take it in April it just seemed too soon, specially since I haven't studied. Remember you can take the Hesi twice, but it has to be 30 days apart. When are you planning on taking the Hesi?

Hey there! I was at that same info session. The room was packed! I think alot of people that attended were just starting out or getting info. I don't think that they're applying just yet. At least I hope not. Did you buy the Hesi book? From what I've heard the test is almost identical to the book. Also why are you taking it in May? I would suggest taking it earlier so if you don't do as well as you want you can take it again before applying. Good luck!
Specializes in Emergency Room.
I took the Hesi last year just to see what it was about and I didn't do too good, I got a 83. :( My weakness is Bio. I took Bio like 7 years ago, back when I was in high school! Any suggestions on how to study for Bio?

I'm using the book and Quizlet. There's tons of practice questions on there.

Specializes in Emergency Room.
Yes that room was packed! I went to the session just because I forgot the date I went the first time lol. I was shoked because the first time I went there was no more than 10 people. Yes I bought the Hesi book, hopefully ill start studying this weekend! Have you started studying? I thought about taking the hesi twice but being that I would have to take it in April it just seemed too soon, specially since I haven't studied. Remember you can take the Hesi twice, but it has to be 30 days apart. When are you planning on taking the Hesi?

I planned on taking it on 3/27 but I can't get off work so I'm taking it on 4/10. Hopefully I do well enough that I don't have to take it again. Worse case scenario I will take it again on 5/15 which is also the deadline to apply so I better do well the first time.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

Actually I'm taking the HESI tomorrow! I went to pay for the test last Friday and the lady told me that all the test dates in April and May are already all filled up. They've actually started opening Tuesday test dates and the only available sessions were 4/1 and 5/6 :(. Wish me luck :nailbiting:

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