ECU anyone

Nursing Students SRNA


Anyone heard from East Carolina?


Yes, your UNC courses should transfer without problem, but it is always a good idea to hang on to the syllabus. Should you need to 'defend' that one course is equivalent to another, the syllabus is your 'proof' of what material the course taught. Just my two cents on that one.


Yup, you can take as many as you can or want to or don't want to. They are built in so you are under no obligation to complete them, but it will be courses that 'distract' you from your anesthesia and other courses that are VERY time consuming.

Willti-I will PM you on location.



Yes, your UNC courses should transfer without problem, but it is always a good idea to hang on to the syllabus. Should you need to 'defend' that one course is equivalent to another, the syllabus is your 'proof' of what material the course taught. Just my two cents on that one.


Yup, you can take as many as you can or want to or don't want to. They are built in so you are under no obligation to complete them, but it will be courses that 'distract' you from your anesthesia and other courses that are VERY time consuming.

Willti-I will PM you on location.


I'm not in ECU's program, but Im sure those core courses are universally distracting. Statistics, research, etc. whatever you can possibly take now, do it, those types of classes will be easy A's since you can focus on them one or two at a time before school. I only took one course ahead of time, physiology (not so much to get it out of the way, because it, unlike statistics, is important, but more to prove I deserved an acceptance) but it made a huge difference. Now I am suffering through statistics and not since I was forced to take a foreign language (which is pretty much what statistics is) have I spontaneously broken out in cursing fits so often. The really frustrating part is that despite the work Im doing on that class, all I will really take away from it is the grade I earn.

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