EC RN and WA state 200 Preceptorship hours needed....

Nursing Students Online Learning


Specializes in Nursing home, Research, Pulmonary.


i am an ec rn grad. i took the rn nclex 4/15/09 and passed. i live in wa. and took the rn nclex for oregon because i thought i could get into a new grad program in oregon with my employer, who has several hospitals and clinic down there.

i was not able to do the new grad program in oregon, so i was wondering if anyone has been successful with wa and those 200 required preceptorship hours?


ps currently in rn to bsn through grand canyon a's so far!

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I know that bjbabs24 is in Washington as well ... you might see what she's done! :) Good luck!!

Specializes in L&D, Maternal Fetal Medicine, LTC.

Have you tried contacting EC? Not sure that they can help in WA but here in AZ they require a preceptorship before you graduate and they have all of the sites and contacts ready for just have to pay $300 for it....yea, I know...more $$$ to EC...Good luck with your search...


Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I think AZ is the only state in which EC does any arranging of the preceptorship ... not sure why that is, exactly. It made me curious as to why they couldn't also negotiate something similar in states that require extra hours for endorsement. I'm sure there are plenty of peeps who'd pony up 300 clams if it meant a smoother ride to licensure in some states! :D

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