Ebola - do you have the right to walk away?

Nurses COVID


I just want your insight... would you or would you not accept the assignment if they gave you a patient positive for Ebola. Can you or do you have the right to walk away? :down:

Specializes in School Nursing.

I would under very controlled circumstanced. First, proper PPE. Second, I have absolutely NO contact with other patients. Third, everything underneath (scrubs, shoes, etc.) go in the hazardous waste bin after and are replaced (not at my cost), and lastly, there is a buddy system to back up my donning and doffing, and having immediate access to showers/decon after direct contact.

I think nurses should get a giant bonus though for putting their lives on the line...

Nurses (and physicians) throughout history have "put our lives on the line" to do our jobs, and not expected any kind of bonus for doing so. In the larger sense, we "put our lives on the line" every day at work; Ebola is just a more clear-cut, obvious risk.

Everyone has made such a strong argument for both sides. I feel strongly that given the appropriate PPE, Ebola should not be transmitted, but I also feel strongly that the CDC hasn't shared all necessary information with us. At this point, I don't feel confident that I'd be comfortable caring for a patient with Ebola, and would refuse care at the risk of any consequences, including termination.

Specializes in Respiratory Education.
I would care for the patient. It's my job.

Would you care for the patient without proper education/PPE?

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