e-mail pal needed for international assignment



I'm a Registered Nurse attending East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, USA. I'm in the BSN program and will graduate in May. As part of my final course, I am required to discuss healthcare issues and trends with someone internationally. If you are interesting in exchanging ideas about healthcare systems, please respond. Thanks. :p

Specializes in ER, Med Surg. ICU, Mgmt. Geri. Hme Care.

I'm a Registered Nurse attending East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, USA. I'm in the BSN program and will graduate in May. As part of my final course, I am required to discuss healthcare issues and trends with someone internationally. If you are interesting in exchanging ideas about healthcare systems, please respond. Thanks. :p

:balloons: :p :p Hi: I'm an Uruguayan (Uruguay,South America)RN BSN,with 21 years experience in several units. I'll be glad to help you in your assigment if you think I'm useful. Just let me know. :p


I'm a Registered Nurse attending East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, USA. I'm in the BSN program and will graduate in May. As part of my final course, I am required to discuss healthcare issues and trends with someone internationally. If you are interesting in exchanging ideas about healthcare systems, please respond. Thanks. :p

Hi, I'm a Registered Nurse in the UK and would be happy to help. If you PM me I'll give you my email address :)

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

I'm a Registered Nurse attending East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, USA. I'm in the BSN program and will graduate in May. As part of my final course, I am required to discuss healthcare issues and trends with someone internationally. If you are interesting in exchanging ideas about healthcare systems, please respond. Thanks. :p


I would enjoy exchanging ideas with you. I am involved with Clinical Governance here in uk, and it is managed well in our unit, as part of an MDT.

feel free to contact me

Kay :)

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