Published Feb 4, 2005
1 Post
I'm a Registered Nurse attending East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, USA. I'm in the BSN program and will graduate in May. As part of my final course, I am required to discuss healthcare issues and trends with someone internationally. If you are interesting in exchanging ideas about healthcare systems, please respond. Thanks.
219 Posts
Hi,I'm a Registered Nurse attending East Carolina University in Greenville, NC, USA. I'm in the BSN program and will graduate in May. As part of my final course, I am required to discuss healthcare issues and trends with someone internationally. If you are interesting in exchanging ideas about healthcare systems, please respond. Thanks.
:balloons: Hi: I'm an Uruguayan (Uruguay,South America)RN BSN,with 21 years experience in several units. I'll be glad to help you in your assigment if you think I'm useful. Just let me know.
828 Posts
Hi, I'm a Registered Nurse in the UK and would be happy to help. If you PM me I'll give you my email address :)
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
I would enjoy exchanging ideas with you. I am involved with Clinical Governance here in uk, and it is managed well in our unit, as part of an MDT.
feel free to contact me
Kay :)