Duke CRNA 2021

Nursing Students SRNA


Hi! Just wanted to start a post for those applying this year to Duke's CRNA program (starting Fall 2021). Who else has applied?

Specializes in TSICU, CTSICU.

@PedsCI89 Maybe they’ll start notifying by the end of this week or next week? I’ve been scouring the website and old forum for info, but I’m sure COVID is playing a role in delaying things...

Specializes in MICU.

Hey, I applied as well, all the way back in July when I was submitting my applications for other schools. Haven't heard back from Duke yet

Specializes in TSICU, CTSICU.

Hey! Just checked my email and saw that they sent out notifications for interviews (taking place via zoom)! 

Specializes in CVICU.

Yeah! I just got an interview offer! ?


Specializes in TSICU, CTSICU.

@TL1025 YAY! I haven’t heard much in the way of what their interview entails, but if I find out any details or helpful hints I will be sure to share. 

Specializes in CTICU.

Oh my gosh, I just got one too! Congrats!!  I shadowed a CRNA who went there and she said they ask mostly clinical questions. 

Specializes in CVICU.

Any ideas if they send out multiple rounds of invitations? I haven't received anything, my application still says "Under Faculty Review". Best of luck to you all, congratulations!

Specializes in Pediatric Cardiac ICU.

I just got an email for an interview!

Specializes in CTICU.
5 minutes ago, PedsCI89 said:

I just got an email for an interview!

As did I! Congrats y'all.  Best of luck to everyone.

Specializes in CTICU.

Can anyone tell me how they conduct interviews? Are they asking clinical questions drug questions or is it more psychosocial questions? Thanks

Did anyone get dates to choose from? I received an interview invite but it didn’t say about the dates to choose from. Thank you

Specializes in CTICU.
2 hours ago, nomad29 said:

Did anyone get dates to choose from? I received an interview invite but it didn’t say about the dates to choose from. Thank you

I replied to the e-mail to schedule it. 

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