Duke ABSN Spring 2011

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi there-

My name is Sandy and I am applying to the Duke ABSN for Spring 2011, just wondering if there is anyone else out there applying? Only 2 months till the deadline and I am trying to get my personal statement finished, as well as spiffy up my resume!

I think I am anxious already! This may be a long ride!

Anyway....a little about me...

I have a BS in Environmental Management with a 3.73 GPA, didn't take the GRE, still working on the prerequisites but so far have a 4.0 in those classes.

I spent 10 years in the Navy, working as an aviation electronics technician and supervisor. Also did hazardous material control and other environmental stuff for my command. I also taught CPR for 5 or so years, as well as blood drive coordination. I was able to travel to a lot of neat places, and some that weren't! All-in-all it was a great experience for me. After leaving the military in late 2007, I worked for a semi-conductor company in RTP, doing research and development (not my favorite job). So, I decided to go to school for massage therapy, and I'm now a licensed therapist. So, that makes me something like 34 years young.

So, here I am....wanting to pursue a dream that I have had for long time! Thankfully I have the world's greatest husband! He is my rock and has encouraged me to take this leap! So let's do this!

I'm waiting for you! Hopefully someone will be here soon to go crazy in anticipation with me! :)

Specializes in Neuro ICU.
i will freak out if we don't hear tomorrow!

twois- where on the online application should we look? does the status change from "submitted" or is it somewhere else??

the very first page when you log in - assuming they're still doing it the same - changes to this:

application for admission

(yadda yadda yadda you have all this)

other supporting documents:

portfolio: waived

decision status: available beginning 2/15/2010

your application decision is now available online

... that last line being a link to the decision page. good luck, y'all!

where are you from twois?

I'm asking because you used "y'all" lol

I'm from Texas

Specializes in Neuro ICU.

Ha! From Florida, actually. Not exactly southern, but... central FL by birth/childhood, north FL for the last 6 years or so... that's where I picked it up. :) North FL, at least, is pretty southern.

ah cool! I've got family in Clearwater.

I'm so nervous for tomorrow! I keep having dreams about it =/


Thanks for all your support through this! You have been awesome! I really appreciate all the great info! :yeah:

Specializes in Neuro ICU.

You're welcome! I'm enjoying my last couple weeks of freedom, it's been soooo nice to have time to spend reading stuff on allnurses, decorating the apartment, baking, cooking, sleeping in, going out and exploring Durham, etc... :)

I'm having a hard time studying for my final tomorrow =/

I'm just too excited/freaked out!

twois: do you have any insight on the financial aid/ scholarship process?

Specializes in Neuro ICU.

Yep. Whatcha need to know? I actually got one of the $10k scholarships they offer - wahoo! They make financial aid pretty easy, overall. There's a lot I could say, but what are you most specifically wanting to know? :)

Wow! Congrats! I was basically wondering how selective they are and if you knew how many of each scholarship they gave out!

Specializes in Neuro ICU.

There are six $10k scholarships - two of each of the three broad categories (overcoming difficulties, diversity, and working in the community.) They also give out a lot of smaller scholarships - I think a lot of them are $7500? - mostly based on financial need. I mean, it's not a lot compared to the cost of attendance, but it helps. So they're selective, yes, but if you have a low EFC you'll definitely have a shot at some free money.

I think a lot of people don't even bother with applying for the essay-based scholarships because they are vaguely conditional. So if you think you have a shot, apply! I nearly fell over when I found out I'd gotten one.

Congrats Twois! That's awesome!

How long after acceptance did it take to find out about your financial aid package?

Did anyone on here apply for the 10k scholarships?

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