Duke ABSN Spring 2011

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi there-

My name is Sandy and I am applying to the Duke ABSN for Spring 2011, just wondering if there is anyone else out there applying? Only 2 months till the deadline and I am trying to get my personal statement finished, as well as spiffy up my resume!

I think I am anxious already! This may be a long ride!

Anyway....a little about me...

I have a BS in Environmental Management with a 3.73 GPA, didn't take the GRE, still working on the prerequisites but so far have a 4.0 in those classes.

I spent 10 years in the Navy, working as an aviation electronics technician and supervisor. Also did hazardous material control and other environmental stuff for my command. I also taught CPR for 5 or so years, as well as blood drive coordination. I was able to travel to a lot of neat places, and some that weren't! All-in-all it was a great experience for me. After leaving the military in late 2007, I worked for a semi-conductor company in RTP, doing research and development (not my favorite job). So, I decided to go to school for massage therapy, and I'm now a licensed therapist. So, that makes me something like 34 years young.

So, here I am....wanting to pursue a dream that I have had for long time! Thankfully I have the world's greatest husband! He is my rock and has encouraged me to take this leap! So let's do this!

I'm waiting for you! Hopefully someone will be here soon to go crazy in anticipation with me! :)

^^That's what I was thinking too, you guys might be on some sort of mailing list!

Is anyone else super nauseous?? This stress is doing a number on me!

my moods have been up and down and all around

it doesn't help to think that somewhere in the DUSON building...people are gathered around a table deciding our fates....

Ugh, I am sick to my stomach! I did not get the Fall info session email... I have, however, been checking my email every 30 seconds as well as this site to make sure no one else has heard anything. Good luck to everyone! I hope we all get in!!

Specializes in ER/ICU.

I didn't get info session email, either...hmmm

I can't focus on my microbiology presentation prep...(It's next Monday Ah~~~)

So nervous......

Man, I am with everyone here. I'm on pins and needles. Lucklily, I've been working two jobs for the past month and a half, so that's kept me pretty busy. Still, I cannot wait until next week!

Is it Monday yet? I normally love long weekends, but this one needs to hurry up already! :bugeyes:

I know... I've never wanted a weekday to come so fast!

Any bets when we'll hear? I say 11:20am! Just a guess... lol

Hmmm....I'll take 1:30 pm....I'll give them the morning...although I like your time better! LOL!

I'll take either 11:30 or 1:30....I just hope it's before 2:30 when I have to go to work!!

Specializes in Neuro ICU.

If anyone's actually worried about the info session emails, I've been accepted since January and I still get the info session emails every few months. You're just on their mailing list, no more, no less. ;)

Also, keep an eye on the online application. They updated it there hours before they sent out the email letting us know.

Seriously! Am I a Blue Devil or aren't I?!?

i will freak out if we don't hear tomorrow!

twois- where on the online application should we look? does the status change from "submitted" or is it somewhere else??

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