Published Aug 14, 2010
5 Posts
hi everyone,
i am currently a lpn student in drug cal. i have always struggled with math, but i seem to be getting the drug cal we are doing now. i would like to someday go on to get my rn license, but i am a lil worried about the college algebra. can anyone tell me if the math a whole other animal, or just an addition to the drug cal i am studying now? :redbeathe
1,917 Posts
Well, I'm just starting RN school next week but I've already read my math for meds book. From what I can glean from that, there is some algebra but its very basic operations.
ObtundedRN, BSN, RN
428 Posts
Are you asking about the college algebra or the med calculations in an RN program? College algebra isn't too bad, but take a Lower math class first if you need too. And the math done in an RN program is probably the same or very similar. I'm sure LPNs are taught IV drip rate and drug calculations? What about pediatric IV calculations? X amount of mg/kg/hr? If you are taught that stuff, then you are taught all the same drug calculations as RN.
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,592 Posts
The math is all the same, it just may get more involved as an RN... Don't worry I had a horrible fear of math before, but now I calculate like a pro... I recommend you get a math for meds work book, as I found that very helpful...
Good luck
HamsterRN, ADN, RN
255 Posts
I would suggest you take the math placement test at where ever you are planning to take your pre-reqs and start with the class you place into. Some schools allow students to argue their way into higher level classes and then those students often struggle their way through to pre-calc or whatever the requirement is for your program, getting through by the skin of their teeth.
If your program requires it, then the math class is probably fairly relevant to what you will need to know in order to succeed in the program, and barely getting by in the pre-reqs may not be enough.
6 Posts
At Ohio State if you are going for ASN you have to take algebra and statistics. In some states you have to take calculus for the BSN program. In RN school the calculations are easy to get ahold of as long as you remember the conversions (ie) 15mls in 1 tablespoon and so on. The IV calculations can get tricky just practice them a lot and you will get it.
181 Posts
Calculus? I'v never heard of this requirement.
At Ohio State if you are going for ASN you have to take algebra and statistics. In some states you have to take calculus for the BSN program. In RN school the calculations are easy to get ahold of as long as you remember the conversions (ie) 15mls in 1 tablespoon and so on. The IV calculations can get tricky just practice them a lot and you will get it.[/quoteI am certainly glad I don't live somewhere that requires calculus. We have to algebra here at my school in NC. It has to be completed with a C or higher before you can even apply.
I am certainly glad I don't live somewhere that requires calculus. We have to algebra here at my school in NC. It has to be completed with a C or higher before you can even apply.
oh my gosh thank you guys so much. you don't know how good this makes me feel. i have completely got the drug cal that we are doing. i have made pretty good grades on the last few tests we have had. next week i am praying for my 100. :redbeathe
They told us to prepare to take as a requirment in the near future for a BSN degree.
To take what as a requirement??