Drexel Master of anesthesia


Anyone graduated from this school? I am concerned about their teaching method.....I have plans to practice on the west coast where most CRNAs work independently. East cost CRNA practice under MDA and that's what Drexels academic program is based on......... Any thoughts?


this is why you must research each school you are interested in so you can determine what type of provider you will be trained as.

Specializes in Anesthesia, ICU, OR, Med-Surg.
Anyone graduated from this school? I am concerned about their teaching method.....I have plans to practice on the west coast where most CRNAs work independently. East cost CRNA practice under MDA and that's what Drexels academic program is based on......... Any thoughts?


Drexel has an excellent program. 95% pass rate on boards and attrition rate less than 8%. Drexel prepares their students for success as independent practitioners as well as any other program. I am excited to be in Drexel's program and have no reservation about the school preparing me for independent practice. If you had those concerns, why didn't you just apply to schools on or near the west coast.

Probably Because he realizes it's a financial investment and all smart investors research around for the best possible choice. If I was stellar as an applicant I would be doing a lot more research myself into distant programs, but alas ill be happy with ANY program that takes me lol

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