Drexel FNP program

Nursing Students NP Students


Anyone attend or graduate from 's online FNP program? I know they require 4 campus visits and some of the classes are "live".

What did you think of the program?

Specializes in ED, ICU.

I have a year left and love it. The first year is all MSN basics, 2nd year things like patho and pharm, third and final year clinical courses. There are only 2 on campus visits for us and both are a Tuesday-Thursday in Philly. They include lectures and patient simulation. I was living in DC but now I fly in from CO. They give you all the info on nearby hotels. Good luck!

@tibbymc, i am registering for classes on Tuesday. I am in the AG primary care track. Can you recommend any professors for 500 and 502?

Specializes in ED, ICU.

I would take Clements for 500, I had him for a forensics class once. I think I had Swartzwelder for ethics. Good luck!

Specializes in ICU, Triage, Home Health, primary care FNP.

I'm just checking to see if any of you who got accepted have started the program. What's your experience like so far? I'd love to hear about it.


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