Drexel ACE Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Everyone.

I wanted to start this for anyone who is applying or did 's ACE program before.

I got accepted into the Fall 18 program. Im still contemplating if I'm going to accept because I am waiting on another school. I also still have to take Microbio and Nutrition. If anyone has done the program already please drop some comments below! Thanks

Bachelor's Gpa - 2.93

Chem - A

A&P 1&2 - B

Developmental Psych - A

Nutrition & micro - haven't taken yet

Is anyone having trouble logging in to check their application status? I have my computer set up to automatically save my user name and password for the discover log in to see my status application, and today out of no where, its saying that there is an error logging in. Do you think this means they're currently reviewing my application which is why I can't access it?

I was having trouble as well. Hopefully it is a good sign

@rh1234, I went to sign into mine today too and it gave me the same error so I'm not sure what's wrong with it! When did you submit your transcripts and application?

I was having trouble yesterday but it is back up & running today!

I was able to get my login up and running again today so it was probably just a temporary glitch for everyone. I submitted my application on September 5th, but all my transcripts were finalized by October 3rd, so it was only just about 2 weeks before the priority deadline.

Has anyone else heard back about an admissions decision yet? I applied the end of August and still haven't heard anything!

I applied mid-September and heard of an acceptance October 19th! I was shocked how fast it was. Good luck everyone!

Congrats @mcxx2! Do you mind me asking what your stats were? I just want to have a better idea of what they were looking for, since you heard back so soon.

Hi everyone! Anyone know when typically starts sending out acceptances? I submitted my app on 8/10 and am anxiously waiting to hear back.

I just found out I was accepted today! I am so thrilled. I am kind of concerned about the negative comments about this program, but I do expect it's extremely rigorous given the time the program is completed in.

If you don't mind me asking, did you have all of your prerequisites completed? Also what GPA do you have?

Hi everyone! I just got accepted into 's 11 month ACE program and I will be attending! looking forward to meeting you all!

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