Drexel ACE Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Everyone.

I wanted to start this for anyone who is applying or did 's ACE program before.

I got accepted into the Fall 18 program. Im still contemplating if I'm going to accept because I am waiting on another school. I also still have to take Microbio and Nutrition. If anyone has done the program already please drop some comments below! Thanks

Bachelor's Gpa - 2.93

Chem - A

A&P 1&2 - B

Developmental Psych - A

Nutrition & micro - haven't taken yet

Currently in Q2, feel free to ask me anything :)

I also applied super super late. I applied late august 2017 for the April 2nd 2018 start and got accepted about two weeks later, so still apply even if it's late in the process if you're worried about finishing prereqs.

Also for people who have a ton of prereqs to do, check out portage learning, almost all (if not) all of them are on there and it's self paced and completely online. If was a life saver.

Can i please get your email. i have some question. thanks

Hello ALLL :)

Finally got into Nursing school after my third year applying. has admitted me to the Fall 2019 cycle. I was hoping someone could outline a typical weekly schedule/format for one of the more busy quarters.

Thanks Lex :)

On 10/30/2017 at 4:17 AM, TolDoll said:

I'm a Drexel ABSN grad, class of 2015, if anyone has any questions ? Feel free to leave comments here or PM me in case I forget to check back.

hi! I have read some reviews online that have discouraged me from choosing the ACE program. Many say that there is a high attrition rate and that it is extremely intense and difficult to find a job after. What was your experience with this program?

On 6/12/2018 at 1:49 PM, herbie0903 said:


I graduated from the Drexel ACE program and highly recommend going to any school but Drexel for your accelerated degree. If I were to do it all over again I would not go to Drexel.

Hi! What is your reasoning for not wanting ? I am trying to decide what to do about schools now.

On 9/29/2018 at 5:34 PM, jendeangelis98 said:

Hello! I am an ACE grad of September 2018. If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me!

hi! I read online that the program is really intense and a lot of people fail out. I am nervous because this is a really expensive school, so I want to make sure I am not wasting my time or money on something that I wont be receiving.

On 3/21/2018 at 8:32 AM, sskinner11 said:

Hi all! I applied for the Spring 2018 program and got accepted but then decided to pull my application and apply to the Fall 2018 program so that I could wait to hear back from the CA schools that I applied to. I luckily got in to Drexel again, especially considering that I applied only about 2 weeks ago. I am still waiting on the other schools, but I should find out within the next week or two. The odds don't seem to be in my favor though, so I am pretty confident that I will be attending Drexel!! Can't wait for a new experience, considering that I was born and raised in CA and have never experienced a true winter. I look forward to meeting those of you who are attending in the fall ?

Hi sskinner11!

Not sure if you'll see this reply to your comment, but I'm in the same situation you were in a year ago! I was accepted into 's ACE 11-month program starting spring 2020, but I have yet to apply and hear back from nursing schools in California. How did you withdraw your application from Drexel? Did you reach out to admissions and let them know you had planned to apply to other schools before committing? Also, how did you end up liking Drexel's ACE program?! I keep reading mixed reviews and it's making me really nervous... Thank you so much for your response!


Iris Perez

I have so many questions about this program and would love to get input from any alumni who are willing to give some!

On 6/22/2018 at 5:55 AM, hmr5020 said:

Congrats to everyone accepted! I graduated from ACE in 2016 (so yes it can be done), and I don't have any regrets or complaints about picking ACE. Yes, the program was very challenging (and not a good fit for everyone) but nursing school in general is very different from other majors! Just be prepared to work hard, and come up with a good study schedule. I had a part time job, and still managed to make time for my friends and family. I passed my exit ATI, and my boards right away. For the most part I thought my instructors were great, and my clinical instructors were awesome. Don't be discouraged! It can be done! Feel free to message/email me if you have any questions! I know how stressful it is! Good luck!

On 6/12/2018 at 10:49 AM, herbie0903 said:


I graduated from the Drexel ACE program and highly recommend going to any school but Drexel for your accelerated degree. If I were to do it all over again I would not go to Drexel.

On 8/14/2018 at 3:20 PM, jkimslice92 said:

Currently in Q2, feel free to ask me anything ?

I also applied super super late. I applied late august 2017 for the April 2nd 2018 start and got accepted about two weeks later, so still apply even if it's late in the process if you're worried about finishing prereqs.

Also for people who have a ton of prereqs to do, check out portage learning, almost all (if not) all of them are on there and it's self paced and completely online. If was a life saver.

On 9/29/2018 at 2:34 PM, jendeangelis98 said:

Hello! I am an ACE grad of September 2018. If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me!

Hi! I'm just going to reply with the same post/questions to everyone who graduated from this program so I can get maximum insight if that's okay with all of you!!!

I'm not sure if you'll still check this post again, but I was recently accepted to the 's Spring 2020 ACE cohort, and I'm torn between going there, applying to TJU's FACT program, or spending more money and attending Samuel Merritt in northern California (which is where I'm from and hoping to be employed after sitting for the NCLEX and getting licensed to practice as California RN...). Basically, I'm just trying to figure out if the ACE program was worth the time and money, if anyone has insight on the location of job placements after graduating, if Drexel's reputation as a nursing school matters at all for finding a good job, etc...

As far as specific questions about the program, did you have to find your own clinical placements? Where was your furthest clinical rotation? What was the most challenging part of the program? Were people in your cohort close and is buying all the textbooks and stuff really mandatory for this program? Do I need a car with 4WD or will my 2012 Toyota Prius suffice for the level of snow in the Philly area? Did people in your cohort room together in a specific housing area or did you all just find housing in the greater Philly area? Would you recommend having roommates or living alone?

Sorry for all the questions, but I so greatly appreciate your response!!!



On 11/1/2017 at 10:35 AM, TolDoll said:

I did the 11 month program and had an overall positive experience. It is definitely a lot of work and you have minimal days off. Seemed like we were always taking quizzes and tests and studying for a dreaded HESI but it was very doable. I personally didn't work during it but some people squeezed in CNA shifts where they could. I thought the majority of our professors were great and I was so well-prepared by taking the exit HESI that I didn't even have to study for the NCLEX (which I passed in 75 questions). So basically, I would highly recommend the program IF you're ready and able to work hard for it. We did have quite a few people fail out...

Hi! I'm just going to reply with the same post/questions to everyone who graduated from this program so I can get maximum insight if that's okay with all of you!!! I'm not sure if you'll still check this post again, but I was recently accepted to the 's Spring 2020 ACE cohort, and I'm torn between going there, applying to TJU's FACT program, or spending more money and attending Samuel Merritt in northern California (which is where I'm from and hoping to be employed after sitting for the NCLEX and getting licensed to practice as California RN...). Basically, I'm just trying to figure out if the ACE program was worth the time and money, if anyone has insight on the location of job placements after graduating, if Drexel's reputation as a nursing school matters at all for finding a good job, etc. Also, did you have to find your own clinical placements? Where was your furthest clinical rotation? What was the most challenging part of the program? Were people in your cohort close and is buying all the textbooks and stuff really mandatory for this program? Do I need a car with 4WD or will my 2012 Toyota Prius suffice for the level of snow in the Philly area? Did people in your cohort room together in a specific housing area or did you all just find housing in the greater Philly area? Would you recommend having roommates or living alone? Sorry for all the questions, but I so greatly appreciate your response!!!




I graduated 2017. Most clinical placements were an hour away at one and two star hospitals (not a great experience). Clinicals were assigned (we didn't have to find our own) and were not based on where you live/preference. They were just random. has a widespread reputation of having bad/mean clinical instructors. You don't need to buy all the textbooks but for some classes it is helpful. Most of the time you won't have time to read the textbook and can do well just from studying the notes. I lived in the graduate student dorm on 15th for the beginning of the program for the convenience but this was very expensive and not worth it. I got an apartment after that. Philly usually doesn't get a ton of snow, your prius can do it ? People in my cohort were not close. We were all extremely competitive with each other, which is the environment that Drexel fosters. Drexel tries to make people fail because in their eyes that makes them a more elite program. They pride themselves on the fact that not everyone can make it. Drexel has a great NCLEX pass rate because that is all they focus on, no clinical skills. When I started my job my preceptors were shocked at how behind I was on skills. I had a lot of catching up to do because of this program. I have heard great things about FACT at Jefferson and would choose that over Drexel if you have the option.

Hi Iris,

I hope I’m responding to you-I’ve never posted on here before. I graduated from the 11-month program this past April. Overall I feel like it was a great program, especially given the time constraint. However, different programs are going to be right for different people. The most challenging element I thought was time management. Some weeks you have three tests within two days and during Q4 you have 2 days of classes, 3 days of clinical, and a lab on a few Saturdays so there is a feeling is not having enough time/free time. However, I thought the vast majority of the teachers were excellent and I thought all of my clinical instructors were great. The school arranges the clinicals for you. Most of mine were within 20 minutes of where I live, but two of them were about an hour away. I also got a good variety of hospitals/patient populations, but that experience is going to vary depending on your placements. For housing, most people found their own-there’s usually a Facebook group where you can connect with people and maybe find a roommate that way. My cohort generally got along. There were some cliques, but I think a lot of people graduated with close friends :). The toughest thing for job placement is if you don’t come from a healthcare background. A lot of the hospitals hire people who did externships or were techs there first. However, I’m pretty sure most of my classmates have jobs at this point. The school sends out emails about opportunities and had a small career fair for local opportunities, but I’m not sure you would have much assistance for finding a job in California. Overall, I’m glad I did the program and I feel pretty prepared for my job, but your hands-on skills/preparedness is going to have a lot to do with your clinical placements and experiences you have there.

I hope this helps!

Hello, I will be starting at in the Spring. Would you mind sending me your email? I have some questions. I would really appreciate it!

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