Down and out and dreading going back to school...Why???


Ok...I am getting ready to go back to school in a few weeks for my 2nd (and final) year in the nursing program. I loved my first year, and did very well. The problem is that now that school starting is only a few weeks away, I am REALLY not looking forward to going back. I don't know why. I know this year is going to be harder, more time consuming, and I've added work on top of everything (new job..but only about 12 hours a week). Anyway...I've got the blues, and can't seem to get excited about going back to finish nursing school. Any advice?


I'm only a fist year student so maybe the excitment is still with me! BUT I'm sure when you get back to school you'll love it again. Maybe if you do up a schedule now before school starts so you can see what time you have for study ect it might make it look less daunting.

Good luck, and wishing you a wonderful last year at school,


I would advise getting a new boyfriend for an occasional pleasant diversionary activity, but usually more trouble than most of us can handle in addition to school! Maybe a new little pet gerbil or hamster to love? You can talk to him or her when your school woes get to you. :mad:

Specializes in Tele, CVIU.

You are probably dreading it because you know just how much time and energy it's going to require. I'm also about to start last year or nursing school and I'm also dreading going back because of the same reason. I'm dreading it because it means I won't get to spend as much time with my husband and kids. I also work (24 hrs a week) so I understand where you're coming from. Just try to focus on the positives. We're almost done girl! Hang in there and we will be at our pinning ceremonies before you know it!

I would advise getting a new boyfriend for an occasional pleasant diversionary activity, but usually more trouble than most of us can handle in addition to school! Maybe a new little pet gerbil or hamster to love? You can talk to him or her when your school woes get to you. :mad: can do...I'm happily married (almost 16 years) and mother of one teenager (13 1/2). As for the pet, I'd love to have a cat...but think the upkeep of a pet right now would just add to my delima.

Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with me. I was so excited about my first year, and I did really well (but did not work while in school). Now that it is time for my 2nd and final year...I'm just having a really hard time getting excited about it. :yawn:

Specializes in CVICU/ER.

try2...I am in the same boat. I did well and I only have 2 semesters to go, yet I am really dreading going back in 5 weeks. The summer wasn't long enough. I guess I don't want to do the work right now. *Sigh*...My poor 3 year old is not going to see his daddy much until April 2010 and I can't stand that. Oh well, I guess it's a means to an end.

I hear you - same thing here. I think its not so much the blues but anxiety in general. Everyone says 3 and 4 are the hardest and I work full time. My big dilema now is do I keep working or use my savings to get through the next year. I know I have to drag myself out of this place I am at - very slightly depressed too - I feel for you but its only 2 semesters. For me I am really just tired and cant imagine having to do this again. I will think of you. Good luck - we'll be fine.

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