Published Feb 23, 2006
408 Posts
Okay has anyoen heard of "dormant strep syndrome of the brain"? My bestfriends son got dx with this, they drew blood to confirm dx. He was referred to counseling for ADHD, apparently all this ped's pts who receive ADHD meds are required to go to counseling (not a bad plan IMHO) and the counselors offce ordered this test. Apparently it causes ADHD-like s/s in some pts.
He is on a low dose 6 month course of ABX to treat this.
I tried to google it and came up with nada.
Anyone else heard of this? Got a good link?
2,756 Posts
I haven't heard of it in connection to ADHD, but I have heard of a connection betwixt strep and Tourette's in genetically predisposed kids. As a matter of fact, since my bil has Tourette's, I have carried a letter from my pediatrician with me since my son was little, recommending that he receive gammaglobulin should he ever have strep (which he hasn't). As he gets closer to young adulthood, I breathe a bit easier, hoping we've dodged that particular bullet. He already has autism with ADHD features. I think it is a wonderful plan that kids on the meds go to counseling, it just floors me that there is a plan paying for this. My understanding is that one of the reasons for the meds explosion is that it is so much cheaper to prescribe meds than to pay for counseling. (This is definitely not meant to trigger a meds debate; my own son is on them, so I don't doubt their value. I just do wish there were tighter restrictions around their use, such as the one requiring counseling as well).
195 Posts
Yes. It's called PANDAS- Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep.
Tina Paul
Nurse Practitioner
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Here are a couple links, Brandy,
Hope these help.
KuteNurse, LPN
57 Posts
Yes. It's called PANDAS- Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep.Tina PaulNurse Practitioner
I was trying to think of the name of this. If you have more information on it could you please tell me here? I am also going to look up more information on it. Thanks:)
Their website is I did a Google search and found it. It's a good site and easy to navigate.