Published Sep 27, 2005
5,758 Posts
Please bear with me because I am about to discuss a problem that would be more appropriate on vetenairy boards. There is an outbreak of a type of flu that affects dogs. Previously it was affecting only horses but it made the jump from horses to dogs and now is jumping from dog to dog. Be very carefull at this time when putting your dog in kennel or allowing him or her to mix with other dogs. The fatality rate is only 8 in 100 but I know someone that lost a dog to it and it is quite upsetting. Scientist are studying it for clues to how a flu outbreak in humans would occur and how it would spread.
8,343 Posts
Most kennels will not accept dogs without the "kennel cough" vaccine nor will they accept animals who are on medication.
Having just come home from taking "the paw who must be obeyed" to her doctor, he never mentioned a word about this.
Where exactly are these dogs getting sick....
Google "dog flu", there is no vaccine at this time. Not as fatal as parvo but still nothing to ignore. Person who lost dog from it was from NY where is it becomming epidemic.
grannynurse FNP student
1,016 Posts
It started at the Jacksonville Greyhound Racing Track. I have forgotten how many dogs were infected and how many die but it is not as many as is being reported.
Grannynurse :balloons:
318 Posts
This is interesting, there is definantly some type of intestinal disease being passed around animals including humans. I have had intestinal problems before and I recently had a puppy die from diarrhea and vomiting. Not sure whether it is a strain of hectobacter pylori, clostridium difficile, staphylcoccus aureous or what, maybe a combination of some or none.