Does the program get harder as the semesters go on?

Nursing Students General Students


I'm almost done with my first semester of the program (final is on Thursday!) and I good about what I've done so far. I've been very fortunate to have a very caring and fun clinical instructor and although I know I can probably push myself harder in lecture, I have a B average.

My question is, did you find that the program got harder as you progressed through? My school just changed the program starting with my class and the 2nd semester now has OB and Peds, while OB used to be in the last semester. I found out from a friend who is in her last semester that we would be having OB lecture together.

I'm very much worried. Of course the knowledge base, independence and critical thinking skills of a second semester student and those of a last semester student are worlds apart (or it seems like it to me).

I already know I have to work harder next semester in general as I think my clinical instructor might have been too easy on us and I might just have been lucky on tests since I don't really read the books, but will being in OB with last semester students be doable?

2nd semester is considered the hardest semester in my program. 1st is stupidly easy, then BAM! 2nd semester hits and it's hell. Then it eases off again in 3rd and 4th.

I've heard this same thing about my school.

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