Does NCLEX questions weigh more than others????


So as I was doing practice questions and reviewing them after finishing them, it made me wonder...

Do some NCLEX questions weigh more than others on the test? Maybe if anybody that have taken the test could please answer because I really would like to know. For instance, I just finished taking my 5th question trainer test for Kaplan and received a 64%. But as I was reviewing the questions I was thinking to myself "well that was easy..." or "GEEZ that was a hard question..." Now I know the question is based on application, analysis, comprehension, etc. but I was just unsure as far as the REAL test how it was done.

If anybody please know or know somebody that know, please answer! Look forward to the replies!

Thanks a bunch!!!:D

I would think that the question that puts you over the top for a pass would count more, at least in your book.

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