Published Sep 26, 2010
40 Posts
Just curious.. I went to a group interview last week at an Assisted Living Facility and the DON is having all 3 applicants shadow a CNA for 2 hours unpaid. She said it was our chance to back out if we did not want to work there after shadowing; however, she did not mention that we were hired whatsoever. Do you think the DON would have 3 applicants shadow and only hire 1 CNA?
2,836 Posts
Yes, I think it does mean that you got the job. This is my opinion anyway, and I hope I am correct.
200 Posts
Yes, I think you have the job.
It would make no sense for a nursing facility to only hire one CNA at a time because of the high turnover rate as a CNA. Every hospital or nursing facility in my area always hires more than one person, when they hire someone for an open position.
I think I got lucky this time since only 3 out of 5 applicants showed up.. Thanks for the input!