Does CA Accept Excelsior Pre-reqs?


Hi all!

I recently graduated from a BSN program in New York and passed the NY NCLEX so I am in the process of applying for endorsement in California. I am told that I must take a microbiology lab and a physiology lab course because I never took those (they were not required pre-reqs for my nursing program in New York). Do you know if the California BRN will accept nursing pre-reqs from Excelsior? If not, can anyone recommend any online lab courses that the California BRN will accept?


Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Excelsior does not include labs. CA does not like Excelsior.

Contact CABRN and see if Straighterline is acceptable.

I did both of those labs online through South University and they were accepted by the board. I was however in their Allied Health AS program, I don't know if they do them separately and I would check again with the board because its notorious for changing and this was a 3 years ago. Good luck!

Also, and don't take this the wrong way, but you do know its VERRRRRY hard to get a job here as a new grad right? Unless you have no move here now, or soon, I would HIGHLY recommend getting some experience first. Plus cost of living is just horrific.

Thanks for the info! And thanks for your concern- I know that it is almost impossible to get a new grad job, I'm planning to be flexible and commute out of the city :)

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