Published Nov 8, 2016
289 Posts
I haven't seen a lot of electronic charting systems, but this seems so odd. It goes from super detailed [Are both eye balls present?] to vague enough that it doesn't differentiate between rales and crackles. You must put in the skin colour [pink, dusky, jaundiced, pale,] but there's nothing for ethnic skin tones. It makes me wonder if they had a health care consultant or they just looked stuff up to put on assessments.
poppycat, ADN, BSN
856 Posts
The agency I do private duty through started using HOPE about a year ago. It's a very strange system.
Davey Do
10,608 Posts
I've never heard of HOPE charting. I googled it and came up with a bunch of spiritual stuff.
Is there HOPE for Dummies?
I've never heard of HOPE charting. I googled it and came up with a bunch of spiritual stuff.Is there HOPE for Dummies?
My agency uses a Samsung tablet for our charting. They call it the HOPE tablet. I have no idea what HOPE might stand for, though. Maybe hoping we can figure it out?! The charting is rather bizarre, though, as evidenced by the examples SunnyPupRN gave. It also ends up being rather redundant and ours crashes often so we're forced to revert to paper charting.
We still have to paper chart feedings, hourly vent setting checks, and our MARS are paper. We then also have to enter all of that into the HOPE tablet. That's a waste of time.
Davey Do, probably doesn't get much use. It's dummy-proof. It's really odd. Where I work, the particular tablet that HOPE is on, you have to be super careful what you check off. I've gone back and looked at notes and seen that nurses somedays checked that the pt was circumcised, and on other days checked that he wasn't. It's really touchy - no fat finger margin of allowance. [i personally don't go into the Genitourinary system flow sheet because my pt is an adolescent, and unless there is another person in the room or there is an emergency, I don't assess him there. And he self-toilets.]
Have you used other electronic charting? How different is it?
Poppy,Have you used other electronic charting? How different is it?
Before we got the HOPE tablet, we had another small computer we used for charting. It was just called NED (Nurse's Electronic Documentation). It was pretty much the same as HOPE. The only other electronic charting program I've used was Cerner. At the time I was using Cerner I was working NICU and Cerner was built for adult med/surg. It was almost impossible to adapt it for use in NICU (at least where I worked) so we couldn't really use all the checklists. We ended up having to do a lot of free text charting. It was actually pretty frustrating.