Does anyone know (re: MSN in nursing education)


Specializes in Gerontology, nursing education.

If the government is starting up some sort of loan or grant program to prepare faculty members at the MSN or PhD level? Also, how good are grad schools at accepting transfer credit? I did about 2/3 of an MSN but had to drop out because of financial constraints and then I got remarried and moved quite a far distance from the school I was attending---so I'd like to transfer at least a few credits or work something out so I don't have to start all over from the beginning again.

Just starting to think about going back----I'm 50 years old. Am I crazy?

Is the government offering help with the online schools or just the traditional schools?

Any information or input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Specializes in Trauma,ER,CCU/OHU/Nsg Ed/Nsg Research.

Here you go, Moogie. I know my university has been really good about accepting transfer credits, but you may want to check with your prospective school. Good luck to you!

Specializes in Gerontology, nursing education.

Thank you. I just need to decide if this is what I want to do---and then get going!

My graduate program will accept up to 12 credits in credit transfer from elsewhere. Most schools will want at least 1/2 of the credit to be taken at the degree-granting instutition.

As for funding, look for schools that are recipients of the federal Nurse Faculty Loan Program. This is an award from the NIH (HRSA). You can google the HRSA website to see which schools are awarded NFLP funds. This allows you to borrow the cost of tuition for a graduate degree provided that you are at a half-time or fulltime student. Up to 85% of the loan will be cancelled if you become a fulltime nursing faculty member at an accredited nursing school anywhere in the US after you graduate.

One thing to look at is who you want to teach. In my state (Virginia), those with MSNs in Education cannot teach BSN students. They can teach at ADN and diploma programs only. The Virginia State BoN requires that faculty have degrees in the clinical area that they are teaching (psych, med-surg, administration, etc).

Specializes in Gerontology, nursing education.

Thank you! I appreciate your input tremendously!

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care, Gero, dementia.

If you want to go for a PhD, another thing to look for are programs that have recieved GAANN funding, which is often specifically aimed at people who plan to teach. I don't know where you are located, but I googled "Nursing PhD programs with GAANN funding" and found several programs that have recieved these grants. If you get into a school and get a GAANN fellowship, it can be renewable for up to 5 years. It covers tuition and a stipend -- I believe the funding is somewhat based on need.

Below is the statement from AACN about GAANN funding for SONs

New Funding Opportunity for PhD-Level Nursing Education

AACN is pleased to announce that nursing has now been designated by the U.S. Secretary of Education as an "area of national need" under the Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) program within the Higher Education Act. As a result, new funding is now available to nursing schools offering PhD programs. GAANN provides funding for fellowships to attract students into graduate programs in specific disciplines. Nursing has now been added to the list of national need areas that also includes biology, chemistry, computer and information sciences, engineering, geological sciences, mathematics, and physics. This important addition resulted from a three-year legislative and regulatory lobbying effort led by AACN.

AACN is grateful to Representatives Jon Porter (R-NV), Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), and their colleagues for their ongoing efforts in the House to make this important amendment to the GAANN program. Advocates in the Senate have also addressed this need with their legislative efforts.

On August 29, the Office of Post Secondary Education within the U.S. Department of Education issued a call for applications to schools seeking GAANN funding in FY 2006. Schools of nursing are invited to apply for funding to offer fellowships to graduate students with excellent academic records who demonstrate financial need and plan to pursue a PhD program. The Secretary is "particularly interested" in applications from nursing programs that focus on the preparation of nurse scholars at the PhD level for educational leadership roles. Graduates of this type of program will become the teachers preparing students for careers in nursing and will disseminate to the public new knowledge gained from disciplined inquiry related to nursing and nursing education. Fellowship monies will cover the costs of tuition and fees as well as student expenses. The Department of Education estimates awarding to schools of nursing approximately 96 grants averaging $211,000 each.

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