Does anyone know how negotiations are going for Hawaiin hospitals


I've been interviewed for a hospital in Hawaii and was told they are in negotiations. I was wondering if anyone knows the situation and whether the nurses are talking strike. I wouldn't want to just get there and not have any income coming in.

Specializes in Critical Care.

You can get a weekly update of negotiation progress by calling the HNA hotline for a recorded message at this number---(808) 537-2833.

It's too early to tell whether or not we're going to strike.

Specializes in Critical Care.
I've been interviewed for a hospital in Hawaii and was told they are in negotiations. I was wondering if anyone knows the situation and whether the nurses are talking strike. I wouldn't want to just get there and not have any income coming in.

Just curious---which hospital?

It was with St Francis Healthcare of Hawaii. The nursing managers were great to deal with but the whole process has been slow. Are wages the same throughout all the hospitals in Hawaii?

Specializes in Critical Care.
It was with St Francis Healthcare of Hawaii. The nursing managers were great to deal with but the whole process has been slow. Are wages the same throughout all the hospitals in Hawaii?

Oh Good Lord. St. Francis hospitals (the one at Liliha and St. Francis West) are the lowest paying hospitals on the island of Oahu.

I worked at St. Francis Liliha for three years and left after the strike was settled (last contract). A huge majority of experienced nurses left the two St. Francis facilities after the strike. They still operate largely with agency and travel nurses. I have friends who are still there (old-timers, mostly, who stay for their own reasons, none of which involve love for the facility).

St. Francis is also in the process of being sold. A group of doctors (a group of notoriously miserly doctors) and a mainland company that has a rather sketchy reputation are buying it.

St. Francis negotiators are offering a one year contract. They want the union out after that year is up. Frankly, I would avoid the St. Francis health facilities.

All the hospitals here have problems, of course. The highest paying is Queen's Medical Center. The other bigger hospitals are not far behind, but the St. Francis facilities trail pretty badly. They also are notorious for not paying overtime and just generally treating their nurses shabbily.

I really appreciate you taking the time. It gives me something to think about. Hawaii Pacific Health is coming to our area at a career fair in a week, it will be worth taking the time to see them.

Hawaii is a much better place to visit than to live and work!

Specializes in Critical Care.
Hawaii is a much better place to visit than to live and work!

Really? I find it quite wonderful. But it's not for everyone.

Curious----what don't you like about Hawaii?

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.


I was born @ St. Francis! Too bad I didn't have any influence on the place!

Specializes in Critical Care.

St. Francis Liliha nurses just ratified a one-year contract with a 12% pay raise---base rate will be $38.15/hr.

Nice, but nobody I know is trusting what lies in the future. The prevailing belief, from what I hear, is that the new MD owners are going to import a large number of foreign nurses. They'll work out sponsorships and bring them over here, stock the hospital with them, and call for a de-certification vote.

Really? I find it quite wonderful. But it's not for everyone.

Curious----what don't you like about Hawaii?

Weather and views were great as well as some of the people. None of my favorite eating places other than Chilis and Outback. Hawaii was good training though for transition to move to developing countries! There's a chance I could come back but probably to the Big Island.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Weather and views were great as well as some of the people. None of my favorite eating places other than Chilis and Outback. Hawaii was good training though for transition to move to developing countries! There's a chance I could come back but probably to the Big Island.

"Chili's" and "Outback"?

Then you're hopelessly a mainland boy, despite your claim to be "on the fast track to being a local" (quoted from your letter to one of our newspapers during the nursing strike a few years ago). LOL...

Your posts here make it clear that you think of Hawaii as less than civilized.

Do us a favor. Find another "third world country" where you would doubtless be happier. T'anks, bruddah. Hele on, yeah?

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