Does anyone know a good source for Nursing Care Plans?


I am currently in a LPN program and we are starting nursing diagnosis and care plans which we have to start doing in our clinicals. Does anyone know a good source for nursing care plans? The cheaper the better of course! (I am a poor nursing student) Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
I am currently in a LPN program and we are starting nursing diagnosis and care plans which we have to start doing in our clinicals. Does anyone know a good source for nursing care plans? The cheaper the better of course! (I am a poor nursing student) Any help would be greatly appreciated!

:Melody: Hello and Welcome to

Great to have you. We hope you jump in and cruise the forums here. Much information.

Try these links: click on Care Plans

Thank you very much!

Specializes in home & public health, med-surg, hospice.
Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Thank you very much!

You are most welcome.:balloons:

Hello and welcome!

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: A Guide to Planning Care


This book saved me from a lot of grief! Care Planning is tough, and I lost a lot of sleep over them. My instructors were brutal(Thank God for them). This book helped immensely. Good luck

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