Does your A&P have prereqs?


I've noticed that a lot of people seem to be taking lower level maths at the same time as A&P. That surprised me a little. At my school you have to take Gen Biology as a prereq to A&P and micro, and you have to have College Math or PreCalc to get into gen biology. I was wondering what everyone's A&P prereqs are?

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I needed bio for A&P and micro. But i didnt need any math to get into bio

That's really interesting. I would think people who haven't taken more advanced algebra would have trouble with molarity and concentration solutions.

at my cc you have to have passed intermediate algebra to get in to biology. and then biology is a preq for AP. by the way how was biology? i am taking it this fall.thanks

My biology class was great. I had a really fantastic teacher who clearly loves biology. Her enthusiasm for the subject made the class really fun. She also made sure that no matter what your learning style was you had the best opportunity to learn the material.

Chem is the prereq for A&PI & II and these are prereqs for micro

My school just started requiring Intro to Bio for the first time this semester. They require a 4 credit class, I only had a 3 credit class, it took some serious begging and praying, but they let me in.

Just bio and bio has no prereqs. However, basic algebra is a requirement to get into the nursing program, so you do need to take it still.

All I needed was the required Human get into A&P 1.....I do have all my Math's completed though...except statistics, which I plan on taking next summer along w/Comp 2....I have been reviewing some Math for Chem Lab which is Math......ugh!

At my school, you have to take Bio and Chem to get into A&P, and College Algebra is the pre-reqs for those. However, they have a math test, and if you get a high enough score, you don't have to take it.

Specializes in 2 years as CNA.

At my school Gen Biology is highly recommended but is not required. Personally I did have General Biology and it did help but I don't think it should be required. I could have easily passed A&P without it. And math a pre-req? I mean come on....sometimes I think they get a little crazy with pre-reqs. At our school you have to pass the THEA test to even enroll in school and if you don't pass you have to take remedial classes, so everyone enrolled in our college can do what is required (at least they should if they passed THEA.)

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