Do you work away from the bedside???


Specializes in ER.

Do you work away from the bedside? What is your job title? How much and what type of experience did you need to get the position? I am currently an ER nurse with four years experience, but my current position is making me feel like it may be best to step away from the bedside at least for a while. I had never really considered my nursing career being non-bedside because I absolutely loved what I do. I still love what I do, just not under the current conditions. I did my research and realized that it's not just my department, but it's the same issues citywide at least. My husband and I have decided to move back out of state, but I feel like I need to try something else in the meantime to protect my sanity and my license. Please share what you do.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I am still at the bedside (partially) as a house supervisor. But my friend has been away from the bedside for over three years.

She was a nursing staff development coordinator employed by a large for-profit company that owns a bunch of LTAC hospitals and rehab centers. After a couple of years she moved on from that and became a care coordinator at a small company that owns multiple group homes for the developmentally disabled.

She is now starting a job as a DON at a small nursing home to gain some experience in management and administration.

Specializes in Short Term Rehab; Skilled Nursing.

Did you think about MDS? Or working as a case manager for Insurance company?

I did case managing for a year. To be honest, I don't like to be pressured with numbers of cases that need to be closed so I left. Bedside still works for me but I understand that after certain amount of years people get tired of it and want some change.

Good luck :)

Specializes in Palliative Care.

I left the bedside last year..I worked in an ICU. I currently do hospice case management and I loooove it! Did I mention that I loooove it! lol. I have a normal work schedule, no nights, weekends, holidays, or call. It's pretty amazing...I make my own schedule. Not to mention, I actually get to spend time with my patients...uninterrupted, and on my own terms. If I want to sit and talk to my patient for 2 hours, I can. Also, I feel as though I am really making a difference, instead of providing futile care in the ICU.

My position required at least a year of nursing experience, preferably in case management. I did not have any case management experience, just one year in the ICU. I'm pretty sure I wowed management at my interview, though.

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