Do all RN to BSN programs have discussion questions?

Nursing Students ADN/BSN


I can't go to because of problems with my transcripts. Are there any other online RN to BSN programs that don't require weekly discussion board questions?

Specializes in Education.

So far the first two classes had four papers each. They are different length requirements, but so far nothing over 5-6 content pages. I work 24-32 hours a week, no kids, and I'm averaging one paper a week. But I also listed my house for sale and that has taken up a lot of time too. If not working at all, you could possibly turn in a few papers a week.

Just curious - Why would discussion boards be a problem?

Specializes in Education.
Just curious - Why would discussion boards be a problem?

They are very time consuming, and usually require set deadlines each week.

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.
They are very time consuming, and usually require set deadlines each week.

I always managed to write all my postings on my 4 days off (usually took no more than 1-2 hours per class). I worked Fri/Sat/Sunday weekend plan so school work was all done early in the week.

I had one professor who docked me points for not engaging the whole week even though my content was good and I had well above the minimum responses.


Easy solution, I would compose my responses same as I always had only I would "draft" some of those responses. Then every day or two I would jump on and make a post public. My grade went up to 100. Whatever. She was a good professor otherwise.

DeLynn, I am considering enrolling to Capella's RN-to-BSN FlexPath and I have several questions for someone who is already enrolled. Can I private message you?


Specializes in Education.

I didn't like that I had to post something by Thursday and reply to at least two by Sunday, sometimes that schedule just didn't work.

Specializes in Education.
DeLynn, I am considering enrolling to Capella's RN-to-BSN FlexPath and I have several questions for someone who is already enrolled. Can I private message you?


I've sent you a PM

I replied to your PM but i got a reply stating that I was not allowed to PM because I don't have the minimum of 15 posts. Let me know if you received the PM. Thanks.

Have you heard of any practicum requirement with flexpath? I am wondering if the capstone course is also writing or if it involves any sort of practicum.

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