Published Aug 3, 2023
5 Posts
Pre-nursing students,
I highly recommend you rethink before doing Emory DABSN. I am graduating, and I would never recommend this program to anyone. This program is the most unorganized and unprofessional program there is for 80k. #2 nursing program in the country? Please. Do not attend this program if you are looking to be supported during nursing school. The director, faculty, and staff are the most unhelpful and disorganized people. I regret being a part of this program and wish I had someone to tell me to not waste my time. Sure you get done in 11 months but if you don't want to go through hell and back I would not recommend this. They preach on "advocating for yourself" but get mad and retaliate against you when you do. They say they will offer support, but never do. You will not be in any other clinicals than Med Surg. So you have to fight to get a job in other areas because hospitals will be hesitant to hire you if you have no experience. The whole program is full of constant stress and false promises. Beware
3 Posts
I'm graduating too, and agree completely. Unprofessional and unorganized. I guarantee 95% of our class feels the same.
75 Posts
How are there NP programs and the other regular nursing programs - MN?
17 Posts
I am interested in how Emory's master's programs are as well.
brandy1017, ASN, RN
2,905 Posts
What a ripoff! Taking you to the cleaners just to get a nursing degree in a short time. Financially it is not worth it. Thanks for sharing your experience re the lack of clinical experiences etc. Especially sad when you have spent so much.
16 Posts
andioop said:
I am enrolled in the program now! Can I message you with a question?
Feel free to message me.
@Enursingstudy Could you please share more about your current experience?
10 Posts
Thank you so much for sharing this I am actually in the application process and was questioning it as well. I am also looking at a university local to me (Austin Peay State University) and thought it might be better to do Emory and be worth the ranking of the program and the name of the school if I got in. I'm so glad I saw this! THANK YOU!!
GoDawgs84 said: Feel free to message me.
Can I msg you please?
2 Posts
I have to disagree with op. I'm currently enrolled in this program and have found the administration and, specifically, the director to be very supportive and helpful. I'm sorry to hear that op had such a disappointing experience. This is an incredibly fast-paced program. There's not much time to find your footing—you have to be able to hit the ground running and understand that perfection isn't a part of that. I'm very grateful to be a part of this program and I've learned a ton, both academically and about what I can overcome and accomplish when my heart is in something. A significant part of this is knowing your learning style, applying that in the form of study strategies, and being very organized and intentional with your time. Remember, this is an 11 month program to earn a degree that normally takes 2-4 years and that is reflected in the rigorous curriculum. In large part, this program is 99% what you make of it. It's not everyone's cup of tea, and that's OK. For others, including myself, it's an amazing opportunity.
1 Post
^ honestly, this sounds like it was written by the director