Updated: Nov 9, 2021 Published Mar 3, 2013
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
What tools do you use when in school? Is there anything that you couldn't live with out? Please share your thoughts...
3 Posts
Flashcards, and Quizlet.com in particular. I got through my 4-year degree with a GPA of 4.0. I think it would be fair to say I'm of average intelligence, I'm in my mid 40's and using flashcards helped me a lot with learning. They have some limitations: they don't help with learning analytical or synthesis skills, or writing essays, but for the rest: flashcards. Best tool.
PrayeRNurse, ASN, RN
118 Posts
I am a RN and will graduate with my BSN this May. I can not live without my day planner. It is old fashioned paper and pen. I did have my calender on my phone and computer as I tried to be as tech savvy as my daughter who also is a nursing student. In one week my computer crashed and my phone failed. I lost everything. Now I do it the tried and fail proof way -- Pen and paper!
I also must have post it notes! I rent books from Chegg and post its are removable so they also save the day!
15 Posts
The best resoure was ATI testing! I took there quiz on each subject it reinforced what I was learning and told me why my answer was right or wrong and gave me test question like I would see on the NCLEX. I also used quizlet and have the app on my phone kept up to date on my drug book used LOTS of highlighters and pens for notes and workbooks. Study with others! Not everyone picks up on the same thing in class. I must have done something right. I am in my 50's took the NCLEX last week and passed with 85 questions. Help each other it will pay off in the long run.
1 Post
I Love to hear that non traditional students are succeeding later on in life!