Do navy nurses just supervise corpsmen?

Specialties Government


my name is candice and i'm a junior nursing student at texas tech university. i am in the process of applying for the navy nurse candidate program and can't wait to graduate and enter the navy. i have heard from some people that all the nurses do is boss around the corpsmen and don't do nursing duties. i know that corspmen are used a lot, but will i still be able to apply my nursing skills one on one with patients?

also, i am wanting to go into perioperative nursing and a commander informed me that the navy is in shortage of or nurses. is there anyone that can tell me about any experiences in the or teams with the navy?

thanks!!! :roll

I can tell you have not had that many good encounters with nurses on the floor. It is sad to hear that the "newbie rn's" have that kind of reputation. I am looking forward to working with corpsmen and not just bossing them around. I do not like the separation between disciplines in the hospital. I know that if everyone can work together that it will improve the overall work environment and improve patient care. Thank you for your comments. It can help me in working towards a positive relationship with my future corpsmen.

It's 50/50 Good/Bad Navy Nurse Corps types, don't get me wrong. There were also the veteran officers who would make cookies, cakes and such for the corpsmen and invite them to their homes for a 'unit party'(everyone in the unit has to be invited for it to be legal).

As in society, there are those who are easily influenced (brain washed) by more senior types even though you can just feel their pure evil. Then there are those who can get the job done but also bring out the best in everyone while sticking to the military structure.

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