Do you memorize definitions?

Nursing Students General Students


I make flash cards and basically memorize the definitions. If someone asks me for the definition of a word, I'll visualize what it said on my flash card and tell them. Does anyone else do this?

Not word for word, but just enough to get the basic idea of what it is I'm talking about. Now if it's for a test and I have to know it word for word, then I will try much harder to memorize it that way.

I've memorized criminal statutes. Do I memorize other definitions in any other area of life? No. No need to. Once I apply my own meaning to something I'll know it. If I memorize a definition it's lost before the weekend coming weekend is over.

Sometimes because sometimes, but only sometimes, it is worth the time/effort.

Usually I can tell when it will be which. Unfortunately, I can't always tell so sometimes I waste the time/effort and sometimes I regret not investing the time/effort.

I can see how it helps but in so far in nursing school memorization does not help as much as knowing how to apply what you know and that comes with critical thinking=)

i made it through all of my pre-reqs using flash cards, i absolutely LOVE them :redpinkhe .. but just as the post above me says, i also heard that once you start the nursing classes flash cards aren't as useful because its less memorization and more critical thinking :uhoh3:

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