Do you lie in interviews?


I know it's an absurd question, but honestly does anyone lie when getting interviewed? 'Cause I got a phone call for a job, they asked me something and I was hesitant to answer cause I know whatever my response is for that question is something they don't wanna hear, but then at the same time I didn't wanna lie. I felt naive because now I feel like I should have lied so I would have gotten that interview because I need a job! In a way I feel good because I know I've done the right thing, but on the other hand I feel stupid because if I did lie I would have gotten that job. :mad:

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I don't lie in interviews because I can't imagine how I could relax and enjoy the job if they hired me and found out about whatever it was I was lying about.

Are you sure your only choices are lie or not-lie? Meaning that depending on the specific issue there could be a situation where telling the truth does not mean an automatic no-hire status. There are tons of posts here from people asking about what do I tell the interviewer about . . . (being fired, shoplifting arrest, in recovery for diversion etc etc) each situation is unique. Best wishes to you though- normally the long-term results of doing the right thing arrive- even though it looks like the quick and easy thing would be to violate your own set of ethics for a quicker solution.

Well sort of it was a lie or not-lie situation thing because it was a yes and no question. Plus, I really have no experience to back anything up since I'm just a new graduate. I know with whatever knowledge and skills I posses, I still need improvements and must learn a lot in this profession. Besides, I couldn't and wouldn't lie about it because I know I'd be lying to myself as well, and didn't want to get into trouble dealing with it after making my own mess. I just felt ill after speaking to some of my "friends" afterwards, and they were laughing at me 'cause I couldn't make a simple lie to get a job. They said people do all kind of BS to get a job. So I felt confused in a way.

You are so right. I couldn't imagine working and trying to live a lie out of it. Thank you so much for your response! I feel so much better now.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

What exactly did they ask you? I mean if it was "can you insert a foley?" the answer might be "yes" even if you have only done 1 during clinical which I guess if you really felt the need for full disclosure you could say "yes, although I have only done it once in clinicals but I am comfortable that I can do it properly". Of course as a new graduate everything will need practice and improvement as time wears on.

I don't remember the specific question, because this is my first ever interview and the call was so unexpected -got the phone call at 10pm, and obviously I had a mental blocked now looking back at it LOL. Besides, I don't feel like I'm good at interviews at all anyway 'cause I get so anxious, plus English is my second language -so sometimes it's hard for me to say what I really want say under pressure/anxiety. They just come out wrong some times and I hate it!

The lady asked me something relevant about multitasking, being fast-paced and pressure related to a position in a pediatric office. Now, I had some experience as a nursing student in a pediatric floor -I love it! Although it was slow, I realized that it was hard to get vitals on kids as they panic/cry/startled once they see someone in uniform reflecting back then. Basing it on my own experience as well, I was too, frightened with individuals in uniforms regardless it's a hospital, medical office, or whatsoever setting when I was young. So I thought, "hmm.. can I really be fast-paced and multitask in this kind of situation, I think so, but then the vitals wouldn't be accurate since everything will go up as soon as the kids starts to cry/panic." But if I have to consider the psychological aspect of a child/patient in particular to her question, then I can't force/pressure/disregard that aspect just for me to get the job done. So in relation to the lady's questioned, that something that popped right into my head right away. So I probably have given her the impression that I can't, though honestly, I can't remember what I told her as I was so nervous and not sure of what to tell her.

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