Do I take the class over again?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I guess I'm going to add to the list of "what should I do" postings...only because I'm hoping to get some sound advice from like-minded people here.

I just finished A&P I yesterday and was scheduled to continue onto A&P II in the fall. I just barely squeaked by with a B...and I do mean barely! I thought for sure I had a C, but was pleasantly surprised when I checked my grade earlier today. But I'm seriously considering retaking A&P I in the fall instead, only because I don't feel like I learned as much as I should have. Maybe I'm taking this nursing thing too seriously, but considering that I'm responsible for peoples lives I feel like I should know this stuff a lot better. Plus I've heard a rumor that by taking the class again it can repair a little of the damage done to my GPA (I was a 4.0 before this stinkin class).

Is it silly for me to take the class over with a B? Mind you, this last semester was my first of taking any intense science classes, as I've just barely started my prereqs. I was a horrible student in high school and never really developed my studying abilities as I never had parents that cared about how I did in school. I'm now 31 and trying to brush off the dust and this semester really taught me a lot about how I learn and what are the best ways to retain such dense information, but by the time I figured it out I was already on a downward spiral. So I know I will do a lot better if I take it again. But I also don't want to make life harder and put myself back one more class before I can finally apply for nursing school.

Also, is it true that retaking it will help my GPA a little (granted that I get an A this time)? How does that work?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!

Nah, I wouldn't do it over. Honestly, I would go back and read or re-learn the material you need help with or don't remember. It may be a B, but you earned that B, and a B is not bad. Move on to A&PII like you plan. As for retaking the class to help the GPA, thats something to ask your school. :)

You also need to consider that there is no guarantee that you will get an A if you retake the class. Only advised to retake classes if it is advantageous and if one got a C or below. Review on your own before school starts again.

Depends on where you're applying. The CC I took my pre-reqs generally had about 30% of the class taking things for the second time to get a higher grade (especially API!) because that's what the CC's nursing program unofficially required. I managed to pull all As but if I had to retake something I would have gone and done a 300 level class at the local University with real cadavers and more complex information (even though it's so much more expensive). If you do retake it consider retaking it somewhere where you'll get more out of it.

Personally, I think retaking things for higher grades is kind of a stupid part of the "game" of getting into school. But also a potentially important one-- ask! Look really hard at your study skills and do better next time. Good luck!

I'm retaking A&P even though I got an A. Simply because I want to know more (and am highly interested in PT and Ortho). Perhaps AUDITING the course is a better option. Audit typically wont effect your gpa, and is generally cheaper.

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